Underworld Friends!! Are super powerful heroines making your life hell? Do they have powers that dwarf your defences or keep them well beyond your abilities to defeat and capture them?
Well, NO MORE!!!
Well, NO MORE!!!
Introducing the Dr. S. Desire, ORGASMA-DOT , the most powerful superheroine busting weapon in a supercriminal arsenal.
Just slap the Orgasma-Dot between any superheroine's shapely thighs (the closer to the clitoris, the better) and watch the fireworks. Instantaneous and rapid fire, major orgasms will rattle the sanctimonius do-gooder. These brain scrambling, body shaking orgasms will hit her with the speed and the power of a Tachnyon Gatling Cannon, nonstop, until she is helpless, knocked out cold.The Orgasma-Dot can be used on superheroines from those only slightly above human abilities to the most powerful tanks in the business.
The product has been tested on dozens of superheroines of varying power levels and abilities. A picture of the acid test is shown above.
The Ice Queen, a powerful, bitter, asexual superheroine was lured out to test the Orgasma-Dot. She is physically stronger than most superheroines and has the elemental power controling ice and cold on a planetary level. She is also mentally conditioned to be sexually frigid and completely non-emotional if not hostile, especially to the criminal element.
Dr. Desire fought the Ice Queen to a standstill until he slid the self-sticking Orgasma-Dot on the tight spandex directly over her clit. The AI of the device sensed the chemical and hormonal change of it's position and began to engage. The Ice Queen screamed as her body was forced to explode in red hot orgasms faster than a strobe. Rendered instantly helpless the assaulted superheroine's eyes rolled, her eylids fluttered as she screamed, moaned, groaned and feebly tried to resist the crushing lust attack. Every muscle in her body was tensed and shook as wave after wave of orgasmic extasy took control of the Ice Queen's body and mind. Fresh orgasms shaking her before the last had a chance to subside. To save her mind and nervous system, the Ice Queen's brain closed down with a snap. One long sigh, her eyes rolled up in her head and her tongue hanging out, she gasped and panted for breath, defeated and completely dominated physically and sexually, the gorgeous superheroine fell flat on her back, spread eagled and knocked out cold. The Orgasma-Dot successfully brought down the toughest target. (The Ice Queen, after waking up two days later, has since become an ally and bed buddy of Dr. Desire.)
This premium weapon is avalable at a premium price. (additional shipping cost if purchased outside the United States.).
To knockout YOUR favorite superheroine and leave a smile on her senseless face, contact Dr. Desire and buy the ORGASMA-DOT.
The Orgasma-Dot can be best used. . .
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