Recently, I have had to be sure a number of people were telling me the truth, without resorting to physically "persuasive" means. Kidnapped scientists were designing a miniature super solar accelerator and spectrum manipulator. Several superheroines had information regarding relics and devices they were protecting as well as their sources of weakness which I wanted. Finally a number of fellow villains and supervillains involved in some of my more sensitive operations had been acting suspiciously (There really is no honor among theives, and politicians. But I repeat myself.) . What better way to assure the honesty of suspect, uncooperative and hostile subjects than use a Lasso of the Amazons on them. I needed to get Wonder Woman's lasso.
My faithful bodyguard, Liesette set out to waylay the powerful Amazon. Using news headlines reporting on her heroic affairs, my beautiful Lisette tracked her to Washington D.C. She was to be the guest of honor at a charity ball in Silver Springs. That night, disguised as a school girl, Lisette tricked a gang of young thugs, hanging outside of the charity ball into attacking her and dragging her into a closed down gym. Her white blouse barely contained her large firm breasts, her nipples standing erect against the taut cotton material. Her long, tanned legs, powerful but smooth and sheathed in white hose were shown off by the short plaid skirt which also teasingly displayed her firm round buttocks, as the thugs punched, kicked and dragged her screaming up the shared alley and into the dark gym.
Hearing Lisette's well acted cries for help, Wonder Woman did what superheroines always do. Dashing into the dark gym, two of the thugs shot at her with street bought 38s. Easily deflecting the shots with her bracelets and disarming the two charged her from the back with switchblades. As Wonder Woman fought, Lisette, laying at the heroine's feet, snapped a small orange ampule which sent a tiny puff of sweet smoke into the air, mild pheremone spores. Breathing deeply as she threw light punches at the big, strong goons, knocking 4 of them out. A fifth which held a knife to Lisette's throat thought better about the gang's carnal plans and bolted through the door and ran down the alley, only to have Wonder Woman's flying tiara crash into the back of his skull. Out went his lights as he skidded to a halt on his chest. The tiara flew back to the amazing Amazon's hand, the mysterious Amazonian metal humming as it flew.
Lisette lay speadeagle, her legs wide apart, her arms spread like the letter T. Her eyes closed she moaned and undulated as if in pain or sensual excitement. "Are you alright Miss?" she asked. The sweet smell in the air was subtle. OOHHHHHHhhh!! moaned Lisette arching her back and rolling her head. Dazed the mighty superheroine's attention was rivited to Lisette's hosed, perfect feet, her shapely thighs, pink satin pantied waist and groin, perfect big, firm breasts and breath takingly beautiful, Chinese face. Fighting incredible, erotic thoughts she had never had about a woman before, Wonder Woman knelt at Lisette's side and sliding her left arm behind her back the helped the curvaceous "victim" sit up. A warm feeling ignited between the Amazon's thighs, her breasts and nipples tingled and her head swam a little. "I think I'm just shook up," Lisette moaned, "could you help me stand?" Taking Lisette 's hands, Wonder Woman helped her up to her feet. Swaying unsteadily, Lisette collaped into the beautiful superheroine's arms, her own arms wrapped around the slender waist and power belt. Lisette's bountiful, firm breasts mashed against the Amazon's own astounding tits. Lisette's head and face rested in the hollow of Wonder Woman's neck and shoulder, her moist lips caressing the sensitive skin at the juncture. The sweet, seductive smell and alien feelings taking hold and distracting the superheroine, she did not even feel her power belt and lasso drop away from her waist. The first indication that something was amiss was a crushing, sickeningly painful feeling as Lisette's right forearm crashed between her target's shapely thighs. Having lost her Amazon powers without her power belt it was childs play for Lisette to beat the noble superheroine senseless, till she lay knocked out cold, bootless and stretched out helplessly (*see picture). Target host neutralized, target secured. Now what would YOU do if you were Lisette?
What would you do now that Wonder Woman is totally helpless.
I would take the lasso and head back to Dr. Desire.
I would take the lasso, tiara and power belt back to Dr. Desire.
I would sling Wonder Woman over my shoulder and take the bitch back to Dr. D.
I would take advantage of a KOed superheroine and have FUN!!!
I would take the lasso, strip and tie up up WW and leave her for the boys in the gym to find.
Something else - please describe
8. I would fuck ww. Easy.