Speed Girl is much faster than Lisette or me, as her name would indicate. She is also young and has spent all her time building up her running speed to well past the speed of sound. So chasing us down a long abandoned mine tunnel leading to one of my western hideouts would seem to be a recipe for defeat. It would have been the end of the line (not really) for my lovely bodyguard and I, except for brilliant planning and excellent housekeeping on my part. Like a white and blue blur, rer buxom, form was rocketing down the tunnel that I and my more buxom bodyguard had raced down just minutes before. Seeing us standing several hundred yards in front of her looking shocked and surprised, Speed Girl decided to used her Tornado Twist manuver, racing close by and around us several hundred times in a second or two, spinning us around like tops, leaving us disoriented, dizzy and helpless, ripe to be captured by the anxious, rookie superheroine. What she did not notice was our footsteps went around an narrow opening into a side alcove. What she was seeing was a our posed reflection in a highly polished, floor to ceiling, angled, glass covered, 3 inch thick steel plate. The resulting CLAAAAANGGGG!!!!! was absolutely soul satisfying. Speed Girl's beautiful face was flat against the now dented heavy metal plate. Her round and perfect breasts were amazingly flattened against the metal, balooning out the sides. Her gorgeous, white french cut leotrad clad body was slapped flat against the highly reflective surface, almost like she was making love to the cold, hard plate. Her face, chest, slender belly, hips, groin, shapely thighs and blue booted legs were stopped dead cold against the ungiving metal. She was even lightly groaning. She made her mark, badly denting the battleship quality plate, but the plate won. Knocked out cold, the sexy superheroine peeled off the offending plate and fell outstretched and spread eagle, to crash flat on her back. *See picture. After taking a few capture shots of the limp superheroine, I slung the unconscious Speed Girl over my shoulder and took her into our own dungeon where she is now tied up securely waiting to be sold or rescued (it'll never happen). If she survives this she should know that it's not speed that wins the day, it's control.
What should I do with Speed Girl?
Use her for bait for other superheroines?
Use her as a sex toy and then ditch her?
Hold her for ransom?
Do all three?
Another devious and evil option - Please comment
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