Don't you love it when you can use the strength and power of an opponent against them. The Dr. Desire ORGASMA-DOT was recently successfully used against the namesake for all SUPERheroines, Supergirl.
The Girl of Steel tried to quietly infiltrate my lab/hideout on an island off Cape May, New Jersey, a large 30 room, Victorian mansion and lighthouse. Her intelligence sources told her Lisette and I would be at the facility and that I have developed and installed defences to be used specifically against her and her muscle bound cousin. Knowing that the air and land space around the mansion was crisscrossed by thousands of micro-sensors and spectral probes for miles, Kara cleverly decided a quiet approach by sea would be free of sensors and she could catch me completely by surprise.
Wearing a new almost capeless outfit, for extended swimming, The bright red and blue muted by white tight top and white bikini bottoms, Kara plunged into the cold Atlantic and diving deep, began swimming west towards my lair. As she swam slowly towards my base (On the way to Cape May), Supergirl hugged the sandy ocean bottom, her super hearing picking up my sonar and rightly assuming that my guards would think her curvy form to be one of the bottlenosed dolphins that swim around the island. As she approached the silcone-carbo-tanium dome of the submerged laboratory section of my base, still completely undetected she was joined by four friendly, playful dolphins who swam with her, matching her speed. Enjoying the antics of these clowns of the sea and feeling their presence would further hide her approach, the Supergoof did not notice the almost transparent thin harness attatched to the upper section of their protruding muzzle. A small dot resting on the very tip.
As she hid behind a deeply submerged sandbar, deciding her next move, one of the smaller dolphins that played around her, nuzzled her upper arm. Smiling, she saw a dark dot, the size of a quarter resting on her. Her smile vanished as she became aware of potential peril. Supergirls eyes suddenly widened and a large bubble of air erupted out of her mouth as another dolphin, gliding in from behind, slid its long smooth muzzle between the cheeks of her round firm ass. Turning her head as the offending dolphin who had goosed her swam off, she hardly noticed the dolphin that swimming directly at her tagged her between her opened legs, squarely on her vulnerable crotch.
The breath was knocked out of Supergirl as her body was whipped into an almost instantaneous super orgasm, immediately followed by a second and a third. Nonstop orgasms seized and possessed Kara. Her hands grabbing at her groin, the orgasms increased in speed and power, wiping any thought or strategy of escape. Her spinning, thrashing body destroyed the sandbar, setting off the sonar alarms. Lisette and I watched as the Girl of Steel melted, defeated as water and super orgasms took their toll. Drifting limply, shaking with the spasms of unending orgasms, Supergirl was dragged and pushed into the airlock by the four dolphins who then went off to get their mackrel reward for a job well done.
As the water drained from the airlock, I pulled the groggy and helpless Superslut by her short cape. She lay spread eagle on the floor, panting, groaning, sighing and heaving as all her neural endings convulsed, peaked without respite. The rapid fire massive orgasms finally knocked out cold, the krytonian heroine whose every muscle tensed one last time and finally allowed her the sanctuary of unconsciousness.
I have the means to keep Supergirl captive, subdued and even seduced but what can I do with Supergirl?
What would you do if you had Supergirl captive?
Kill her
Let her go. Erase her memory.
Sexually tame her.
Brainwash her and use her as a weapon.
Other - be creative and comment.
kill her slowly very slowly
ReplyDeleteVery creative peril. I'd make her my sexual plaything.