Bethany and Belinda Blues are outrageously successful, genetically enhanced bounty hunters and assassins. They employ seduction, delusion, infiltration, technology, military strategic technique, and superior fighting (solo and team) methods to capture, interrogate, or kill their intended targets. They operate on a much smaller but no less sophisticated, or effective level as I do. They are as invisible to most law enforcement agencies, as I am. Many politicians, reporters, lawyers, police personnel, heroines, and villains (super and mundane) have fallen to their abundant feminine charms and their lethal talents. Their services tend to go to the highest bidder (unless I show an interest) and the price for their services would bankrupt many third world nations. Unlike me, they are not criminal bosses. They are just highly efficient, perfectly built tools to be used by others.
Until recently they had a 100% capture/kill rating. Then they were sent to kill me. They came closer to success than many.
Having successfully infiltrated my security forces, in high tech disguises, they posed as successful shakedown artists, interested in lucrative positions as guards for me. With their superior physical, weapons and martial abilities they easily passed physical and combat testing. Impeccable background camouflage covered their tracks. Subtle, conscious and subconscious testing and probing was almost perfect. Cerebro- functional probing was also almost perfect. Various truth drugs tests were taken and standard villain information was taken down. The loyalty and emotional spectral analysis indicated perfect balance and unshaking loyalty. They seemed almost to good to be true. Lisette and I executed a plan we have devised to test personnel we have slight lingering doubts about. A drug I secretly developed was slipped into their water and a activator catalyst indicated there was a small section of their brain that was physically partitioned. This chemical partition breaks down when a certain series of actions take place, after testing leaving these voluptuous and powerful killers to be fully aware, the be able to think and carry out their intended plans. These two buxom babes were hiding something that even THEY did not know, at this moment. A long distant genetic analyzing probe indicated these long legged sirens were genetically enhanced. Matching these unusually heightened codes with the hundreds of millions of genetic codes I keep on file spelled out the real identity of these beautiful killers, Bethany and Belinda Blues. Of course we set a trap.
Relaxing in the warm, bubbling, natural springs pool of a grotto in my central hideout, the curvaceous Blues Sisters entered smiling, their small blue bikinis were beautifully filled with tanned, toned, feminine flesh. Despite this breaking of protocol and rules, I smiled at the sexy, powerful assassins and beckoned them in the pool, to enjoy the warm waters and my warm embrace. Their hands and bodies seeking to show me the ecstasy before dealing out the agony. I was willing to take their ride but leave them paying the fare.
I lay on my back after a delightful, invigorating, sensuous and romp with the two assassins. Satisfied and tired, I feinted more fatigue than I really felt. The taste and delicious aroma of them on my tongue and in my nose. The caress of their hands, feet, thighs, breasts still tingling my own flesh. My manhood, still hard and erect had spoken to each sister repeatedly and they replied in shuddering orgiastic responses. I knew what was to follow.
The sisters languidly redressed in their stunning bikinis, cuddled on either side of me. "Dr. Desire, we wanted so much to get close to you. We have one last service to do for you." Facing Belinda I saw the sudden movement of her knee and blocked it with my own a second before it shot upward towards my crotch. I heard a scream as a big handful of Bethany's hair shot out, at a ninety degree angle, invisibly and yanked her away from me. A tiny needle fell from her fingers. Lisette's own veluptuous form appeared in a black spandex catsuit, holding on to Bethany's mane, spinning her around and landing a right cross that would shatter a cinderblock to her chin, snapping her head around. The blonde assassin drove a speared fingered hand into Lisette's solar plexus and a snap kick beween her shapely thighs, Lisette fell to her knees, in pain but delivered a machinegun fast right/left barrage to the Bethany's belly and a thuderous upper cut to the blue bikinied camel toe of Bethany's groin. The uppercut propelled the blond assassin up to smash her head against the low, granite ceiling of the grotto. Bethany fell dazed, but far from out of the fight. Lisette desperately massaged her own aching womanhood and willed the pain to stop.
Meanwhile I threw my own right/left combo to Belinda's jaw, snapping her head back and forth before powerpunched with the heel of my right palm, between her generous breasts. She flew, smashing against a giant boulder. She slid down the side and shook her head to clear it. Seizing a fist sized rock she swung, full power at the side of my head and I just barely was able to change density, to avoid the blow from crushing my head. The blow dazed me and I sprawled on my back. Kicking out my feet in a snap, my bare feet smashed into Belinda's knees, knocking them out from under her. Her forehead smashed down on my bent knee. I wrapped my powerful legs around Belinda's neck in a super figure 4. Not standing on ceremony, I delivered steel cracking blows to her head as my legs crushed the sides of her neck. Belinda realized that the circulation to her brain was being cut off. If she did not escape my hold, the sleeper hold would knock her out if the punches didn't. This plan was backfiring on the sisters.
Lisette still aching flipped over, slamming the heel of her foot to the back of Bethany's head as the beautiful killer tried to stand. The crushing blow landed with a thud. As it did, Bethany threw her left foot out behind her in a back kick which careened off Lisette's jaw. Lisette saw stars as she crashed on her back. Bethany fell flat on her breasts and face, her ass sticking up awkwardly, the world spinning wozzily, her brain telling her to escape. Both she and Lisette staggered to their unsteady feet.
Belinda groggy from the punches and the punishing sleeper she drew on her fantastic genetic enhanced energy and strength and partially rallied. Strainning every fiber of her being, she wrenched her head free from my iron figure 4 hold, flipping me over. Belinda swayed and staggered as she tried to stand and run. Her equilibrium ruined she fell to one knee and fought to stay up. I grabbed her long light brown hair.
Both Lisette and Bethany struggled to stay conscious. Lisette dove deep into her own ki, willing herself awake and slammed Bethany with a looping left that drove the stunned assassin staggering towards me. Grabbing a hank of bethany's beautiful dirty blond hair, I violently jerked their heads together with a loud CRACK! The Blues sisters loudly grunted and groaned as their head smashed together. Hauling my loose limbed assailents head apart by their hair, I again brought their heads together witha loud CRACK!. Falling to their knees, their super gentically enhanced energy and power spent,their eyes rolling around in their heads, only low moans and groans oozed from their slack jaws. One last time I slammed the sisters heads together with a CRACK, before letting their limp bodies flop on their backs, knocked out cold (*See picture). These beautiful trouble makers would not be getting up any time soon. Lisette staggered up to me, "Who. . . sent. . . themmm" before she passed out, falling into my arms. Hoisting her luscious body over my powerful shoulder. Started walking to the infirmery. Reaching back patting her tight smooth ass, a little TLC and Lisette would be back on her feet. But my lovely bodyguard posed a pertinent questione. Sombody sent the Blues sisters to kill me. The needle would undoubtably be poisoned. Somebody with a lot of power wanted me dead. Calling for some guards to secure my newly aquired prisoners, I would find out who the person or person were who paid for the hit. It would be the worst decision they ever made.
What should I do with the Blues Sisters