This economic downturn has put many "good" people out work. So what the heck is the point of being good? Plenty of fun and profit clobbering superheroines and selling them to foreign potentates as sex slaves. Youcan even sell them back to their own well heeled organizations or government so they can come back at you and . . . . . you guessed it, you can clobber and capture them again. Now THAT is steady income, Bubba. In the picture above, a false nuclear threat brings Wonder Woman to an abandoned apartment building. She is stunned from behind and KOed with a rag of Mega-chlorone (available in Dr. S. Desire's wholesale catalogue or at his New department store - Supine Superheroines.) Power Girl follows as backup and after breathing in a lungful of microencapsulated, synthesized kryptonite (yes, Dr. D found the formula), the buxom super babe was easily pacified by a 16lb sledge hammer blow to the back of her head. In the picture, they are both sleeping peacefully and ready to make YOU a BOATLOAD of MONEY.
Don't whine about the crappy economy! Get up off your fat, evil ass and nab a superheroine for BIG BUCKS!!! Contact Dr. Simon Desire for everything from beginer kits to a fully equipped dungeon hideout. Catalogues available at the Humbled Heroine in NYC, Supine Superheroines or at better criminal outlet agencies.
Dr. Desire says; "A superheroine's chest looks best, with YOUR foot on it! "
They look very good. Should fetch a high price.