Running an interplanatary, multi-dimentional, criminal syndicate not only requires intelligent, creative and powerful minions, a huge and maniacally loyal number of field operatives and the ultimate in offensive and defensive technology, not to mention my own awesome, criminal genius and super powered skills; you have GOT to have a really, really good secretary. Henrietta Frabazelli-Rasputin (Henry, for short) is mine and a what a criminal god-send she is. Without her screening through the myriad of phone calls, emails, notes, and letters I get from upstart rookie superheroines, pissed off Arabian Sheiks who can't handle their superheroine sex- slaves, threatening law enforcement agencies, hollow ultimatums from minor villains/villainesses or criminal organizations who don't know their elbows from a fatter part of their anatomies, I would have very little time to actually be the master criminal you all know and love (well, some of you).
I think it's important to thank all the little people, though describing Henry as "little" is hardly accurate. Not only can she type like the wind, do short hand at light speed, file accurately and fast as lightning and make a cup of coffee that Juan Valdez AND his burro would be proud of, but she has a right cross that would cross She-Hulk's eyes.
Need to meet me? Talk to my secretary!
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