While I like testing my guards, functionaries, espionage agents, subvertive agents, defense and assault units as well as my domestics, entertainers, and techs, Lisette is the mistress of the Kunoichi troops. She is both a brutal trainer and an inspired teacher and leader. They are devoted, flesh, blood and soul to me and to her, in that order. They are on guard 24/7 and as Lisette is a master Illusionist, they know she can attack them at any time in the most innocent or beguiling of appearances. Here she waylaid a supposed secret lover of one of her senior Kunoichi. Assuming the appearance of the woman, Lisette keeps a rondezvous with the woman ninja and lets the girl seduce her. Lisette slowly becomes more erotically aggressive and takes on the role of seducer. When the Kunoichi is lulled into a dull, vulnerable sensual torper, Lisette attacks the girl visciously striking her weakest and most sensitive points repeatedly and with full power. Low blows and kicks, breast punches and eye gouges and any other foul and dirty tactic to shock, weaken and thoroughly take advantage of the bewildered and beaten female fighter. Finally, after a hunderd unanswered blows, Lisette still looking like the lover of the beautiful, stunned and groggy Kunoichi, she passionately kisses the helpless sexy ninja. She unleashes a super gravity kick, from the ground to the chin of her barely conscious student, knocking her out cold. The failed female ninja will be carried to the retrainning facility where she will undergo a barrage harsh and barbaric physical, mental, emotional and sexual restraint retrainning programs. The chances are she will never make the same mistake of being caught unaware or being in a position to be off guard.
Do you think Lisette's methods are . . .
To tough - what a monster that bitch is.
To mild - she should teach then to go straight for a kill.
Just right - Sounds like a good regiment to me.
To mild - she should teach then to go straight for a kill.
Just right - Sounds like a good regiment to me.
Kunoichis! A man after my own heart!