Mighty Maxine Mouse is another member of L.U.S.T that has crossed my path several times. She is a powerful martial artist, has respectable recuperative powers and can move about in complete silence. She can chew through very tough and thick materials like leather and hemp (rope of any thickness cannot hold her). She is as strong as Spiderwoman and her long, powerful legs are particularly viscious weapons. She creeps on to a crime scene or a hideout and with stealth and power subdues the criminal(s) and delivers them to the local constabulary.
She dug a hole into my castle headquarters and overcame a few of my more poorly trained guards. She set off several of my hair trigger alert and analysis sensor/probes. Recording her power fingerprint, I set a PWT (Personal Weakness Trap) in several rooms.
Quickly and silently chewing through a locked and bolted door, Mighty Maxine was transfixed and the sight and scent which captured her full attention - a table in the corner loaded with full rounds of Gouda, Cheddar, melted Brie, sharp Provelone, Armenian String and a dozen other cheeses.
Utterly helpless to resist the smells and sight of her chief weakness, the Radiant Rodent was inexorably drawn to the table, where reaching for a wedge of creamy Dannish Fontina, she broke a trigger beam releasing a 5 foot, pressure spring loaded iron bar which slammed into her firm, well rounded breasts, and smashed her into the thich walnut paneled wall with bone shaking force. A heavy wooden bat swung down from the 30 foot ceiling with more force than any star, pro baseball (or Cricket batter) could muster. With a loud CRACK the bat struck the stunned and disoriented Super Mouse, right between her big ears. With no more than a surprised UURRPP!? and a final cooing sigh of resignation and fast fading consciousness, Mighty Maxine Mouse dropped flat on the floor, quiet as a . . . well, . . you know.
I entered the room from one of many hidden hallways and looked at the leotard and tights clad semi-superheroine, spreadeagle and flat on her back, out cold. Grabbing her tail, I dragged this conked silly superheroine to the exit catapult. My guards would load her into the basket and shoot her over the wall, about a quarter of a mile from the castle where she would land in the woods (Some of YOU have gone through the self same experience.). She's a superheroine, she'll survive (with a horrendous headache) and get a commendation from L.U.S.T. for trying to take me down.
Let me know if you have any other experiences with Mighty Maxine Mouse.
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