The scene was, kinky. A mix of the middle ages and the distant future melded in the heavy granite dungeon lit by candles, torches, computer screens and apparatus that had been created on other worlds and dimensions. Four people stood in the dismal room Three spectacularly sexy, deceptively powerful women. One in a jet black battle skin, the other woman in a dazzling battle skin, with a mesmerizing design which seemed to move and throb, The third was the internationally known Russian super heroine, Scarlet Sickle who had vanished mysteriously a week ago from a high end vodka bar. The blonde haired Russian powerhouse lay helpless on a heavy marble table, unfettered, except for a cerebro-stasis beam, which scrambled her thoughts, idea, mental pictures and senses at such a high speed that despite her indomitable will and fighting spirit and super powerful physique she was incapable of moving. Dressed in a short red cape, a red thong and an ultra sheer, red, 10 inch skirt and a red bikini top which barely held her round firm breasts. The fourth person in the room was a handsome man, large and powerfully built a touch of grey shot through his brown hair, dressed in black battle skin covered by a lab coat. A seductive evil aura surrounded the man. He was Dr. Simon Desire, super villain and genius scientist who could trade punches with the mightiest super heroines. His evil empire stretched beyond the boundaries of earth and into several dimensions.
The women belonged to him, body and soul. Working quickly and meticulously the man dipped a small painter’s brush into a small beaked of light grey powder and ran the brush lightly on the soles of his captive’s boots. He lightly painted the thong as it rode between the shapely thighs, emphasizing her moist mons and anus, which held tight to the dusting. Desire applied the brush to the material covering the busty super heroine’s nipples.
“That should be the minimal amount to achieve my intended results.” said the devious doctor examining his work.
Next to the captured super heroine, a cardboard cutout of the ultra sexy Russian super heroine with a single micro receptor clipped on to the cardboard figure which was chained to the floor and ceiling to keep it from moving.
The woman in black, Lisette an incredibly exotic and beautiful Chinese-French woman with long red hair and fiery green eyes and a voluptuous, ultra fit physique, stood next to Desire her hands resting on his broad muscular shoulder, as she watched him work. Lisette was Desire’s bodyguard/hit woman and lover.
“Simon, what exactly is the power?” Lisette asked, leaning against the villain, her big firm bust brushing his arm.
“The dust is actually millions of micro dyna-joule transmitters
The other woman, Leore a staggeringly curvaceous beauty with cold blue, hypnotic eyes and short white hair, also served Dr. Desire as a bodyguard and hit woman, watched the operations with interest.
“Lisette, begin the transfer.” murmured Dr. Desire.
Lisette turned to a instrument bank threw a small switch. The cardboard cutout shimmered for a few seconds. Dr. Desire picked up a heavy iron club and stepped in front of the cardboard cut out. Limbering up the villain slammed the club into the abdomen area of the cardboard figure, which should have shredded the cardboard, but the club was stopped by the intact cardboard with a heavy THUD.
Checking a probe readout screen, Lisette’s honey sweet voice relayed the information. “The target’s powers of strength and invulnerability are now linked to the cutout. She felt the blow but the impact is far below her estimated pain/injury threshold.” “As predicted.” smiled Desire.”Leore.”
The super villainess picked an ugly, medieval looking weapon, a huge, heavy, gnarled fist on a two and a half foot long handle. Both handle and fist were made of a dull black material. Placing the head of the weapon between her magnificent breasts, Leore purred. Leore was tall and powerfully built yet she seethed sensual and sexual energy. Casually Leore began swinging the modern morning star in a figure eight; Desire pressed a button on a small hand held device and the metal fisted weapon began to glow. Leore swing built momentum and Leore expertly swung out of the pattern and the fist thundered into the exact spot on the cutout where Desire iron club had moments before hit without any affect. BaBAMM! “PPUUHHhhh!” This time however a double thud could be heard, almost simultaneously. The Scarlet Sickle gasped, her eyes wide in shock and pain. The heavy, marble slab on which she lay, cracked as she slammed back. Her hand clutched her aching belly.
“Engergy transferred in dual strikes, the second three times greater than the first.” intoned Lisette calling the information on the readout. “Retained energy is 90%.”
Leore swung the fist around her head and brought it around and up to slam between the cardboard thighs. BuBUUMM!!! ” HHHAAAIIIHHhhhh!! Ohhhh, Nyehhht!!!” screamed the Russian crime fighter her hands holding and massaging her battered pussy. “Good one Leore!” exclaimed Lisette, “Again a twin strike, the same 3 to 1 difference between the second and first strike. Her energy retention is down to 77%. Her body is replicating and magnifying each blow.”
“Keep monitoring Lisette. Leore, continue the experiment.” Desire said, concentrating.
Leore spun the weapon till it was a dark blur, then breaking into the figure 8 swing, the heavy fist weapon blasted the super heroine on the sides of her head 4 times: THU-THUDD, “UHH!!” THU- THUDD, “UHHH!!” THU-THUDD,” OHHH!!” THU-THUDD, OHHH! UUHhh! snapping her head back and forth.
“ Four double strike series, 59%, . . 44%, . .31%, . . 17% . . target has energy retention, the target is semiconscious.”
“Disengage cerebro-stasis beam.” said Dr. Desire walking next to the stunned, sexy, super heroine, her eyes rolling, unfocused. He examined her carefully as she moaned, scissors her long legs open and closed and rolled her head in her semiconscious state.
“The experiment is a total success. We can incapacitate a the highest level super entity directly or indirectly.” he smiled. “We have the pirated Ryan coordinates, the plan, the weapon, the equipment. Lisette, you have the profiles on the two super vamps?”
“Yes, Simon, I’ll brief you and Leore in transit.”
“Uh, our guest’s retained energy is now 21%, she’s beginning to come to.” warned Lisette.
The groggy Russian super crime fight struggled to sit up, shaking her head to clear it. Her long beautiful hair swirled seductively, following her groggy head.
“Uhhhhh! Moja golova . . . (my head . . .)” she groaned, her slender fingers caressing her temple and still aching pussy.
CRAAAAKKK!! “UUHHhhhh!” Dr. Desire’s round house right to her jaw snapped the soviet super heroine’s head and shoulders and upper torso. “Ohhh!” the blonde bombshell moaned as her body swayed on the marble slab, her eyes rolling up in her head. She fell back onto the slab with a Thunk!
Horosha noch’, vozljublennyj. (Good night, sweetheart) sneered Desire as he massaged the knuckles of his right hand.
“Single strike, 4% retained energy, she’s out cold.” laughed Lisette.
“Leore, inject her, load her on the catapult. They can use her at the Velvet Clam.” ordered Dr. Desire. “Be back here in an hour. Then we have to extract those three League bitches.”
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