Blond, young and beautiful, Justice Girl was just starting her patrol of the city when she got word that Dr. Simon Desire was robbing the municipal museum with a cannon. The buxom superpowered beauty was haughty and proud, even for a superheroine. Flush from her victorious battle with the Green Genie, the bodacious rookie superheroine was confident she could take on the infamous evil super genius, even though she had never fought him before. After all she was almost invulnerable, she was more powerful than most superheroines, she could brake the sound barrier when she flew or ran. She told herself to call the League or other superheroines to help her take in Dr. Desire. But her pride overruled common sense.
"If this Dr. Desire is dumb enough to use a cannon in a holdup, then I can take him. I can take a metal piercing shell or even a bunker buster without flinching," she murmured.
"Nobody knows my weakness," she thought as she zoomed across the city skyline. She soared down to skim the surface of the lake in the park gazing at her mighty body approvingly. A perfect bend of power and beauty, big, full, firm chest, slender waist, gorgeous, long powerful legs, full moist lips and crystal blue eyes with long, thick, luxurious, hair. Justice Girl knew most superheros, superheroines and powerful, rich, connected men would give their right arms to enjoy the charms beneath her skimpy white battle skin. Twenty three years old, the sexy superbabe slowed her approach as she neared the museum, thinking what would work best in attacking Desire. She decided that an open frontal assault would show the villainous idiot how useless his resistance would be and it would look good in the papers. She might even let him get in a shot, so the public would see how tough she was. She saw a big man in a black, tight battle skin loading a big silver sarcophagus into an overlong, super-reinforced truck. Four smaller figures in similar black battle skins held odd shaped, broad barreled sub machine guns. Mounted on the truck was a long 30 foot long barreled cannon. Justice Girl laughed to herself.
"What a moron! It's not an energy weapon at all. It's just a normal, rifle barreled cannon. Looks like it shoots a 2o or 22 inch projectile. A big mobile artillery cannon," she thought.
The young, sexy Defender of Justice hovered 40 feet in there air, her hands on her curvy hips, her full cape billowing behind her in the breeze.
"You might as well give up now Desire and spare yourself and your thugs a beating."
Justice Girl saw that Dr. Simon Desire looked to be in his mid-thirties, handsome in a craggy way, powerfully built, light brown hair, greying at the temples. He smiled and nodded to an accomplice in the truck, the barrel of the cannon began to turn to face the voluptuous superheroine.
And you are?" the rugged villain inquired.
" I am Justice Girl," the blond bombshell intoned, "Defender of Justice." The superheroine's big, beautiful chest, and tight round ass thrust out even further.
"You are not on the list, so I guess we have not officially met. I will have to remedy that. I am Dr Simon Desire, supergenius and villain extraordinaire," the big man executed a perfect bow, never taking his eyes off the shocked superheroine. "I would like to take you to my castle, the next time we meet. Presently I am have some urgent tasks that need my attention." the handsome villain spoke matter-of factly. The big cannon drew a bead on the Justice Girl. The cross hairs in the truck rested on the sexy superheroine's flat bellyabout three inches above where navel would be. Justice Girl did not fail to notice the weapon's aim.
"I think you are confused Desire," she snapped. "You are spending about 300 life sentences in prison."
" I hope you'll allow me to defend myself." Desire replied earnestly..
"If you insist," laughed Justice Girl, her breasts bobbled delightfully. Her nipples began to harden and she felt a heat between her luscious, strong thighs. Anticipating battle always got Justice Girl hot. "What do you intend to do with your pea shooter? Tickle me?" mocked the gorgeous rookie superbabe. She tightened her super strong abdominal muscles, anxious to see the useless projectile explode against her steel strong muscles leaving her gloriously unharmed.
" I actually intended on using her to open up the museum's safe, but the curator was so accommodating that he gave me the sarcophagus without a fight but she has tickled me and much more," Desire winked, lightly patting the large outlined bulge at his crotch. "Fire," Desire said conversationally.
Justice Girl had enough time to wonder, "Her? she?" Justice Girl's enhanced hearing picked up the moans and rhythmic sounds of sex coming from the barrel of the cannon. An earsplitting roar of the big gun's report, just about deafened her. A red blur streaked at Justice Girl at hypersonic speed. Justice girl recognized the voluptuous form and scarlet battle skin of of Lady Invincible her face screwed up in unquenchable sexual desire.
"SHI .. GOUUUUUGGGGGOOOHHHH!!!!! was all the white clad buxom superheroine could get out as the equally buxom red clad superheroine, Lady Invincible, slammed head first into Justice Girl's flexed abdominals. The physics of two near invulnerable bodies colliding at almost 3000 mile per hour were devastating to the two superheroines, knocking both out cold and dropping them both straight down to lay unmoving on the grey-blue tarmac.
Slipping on gloves and a wite lab jacket, Dr Desire walk taking a sampling box he walked up to the two limp, defeated superheroines. Ligthtly kicking the white clad figure between her spread eangle thighs, the supervillain was rewarded with a weary moan but no movement. Kneeling at her side he lifed an eyelid and confirmed the superbabe was indeed knocked out cold. He repeated his check on Lady Invinsable whose head rested on Justice Girl's belly. His check had the same result. Both sexy heroines were deeply in LaLa Land.
He opened Justice Girl's mouth and slid in a test tube, collecting saliva. Using a carbo-tanium needle and clear CT tube to collect a blood sample. Slipping the battle skin to the side to expose her pussy, Dr Desire was not surprised to find her sex wet and that her clit was erect. Deftly manipulating the unconscious superheroine's clit and pussy bringing her to an orgasm and catching her spurting cum and pussy juice in another test tube. A Desire guard pulled Justice Girl's long, thick blond hair, to sit her up, her head lolled forward. Dr Desire then pulled the top of her white battle skin down far enough to expose her perfect, round, firm breasts. The helpless heroine's nipples were hard and erect. The supervillain massaged his target's breasts, teasing her nipples by pinching and gently twisting them. He milked her like a cow and squirted pre-milk into a test tube. The Guard released her hair and Justice Girl fell back to lay spread eagle with a THUD!
Sample collected. Dr. Desire unfastened Justice Girl's beautiful blue cape to exhibit at his pub, The Humbled Heroine. He wrote a short note on a calling card and slid it underneath the white battle skin and halfway into her pussy. Desire climbed into the truck with his samples and his guards. They then phased out of sight and disappeared from view leaving the two unconscious superheroines to the mercies of the crowds, the police and newspaper and televion reports who were busy taking pictures and running film. The note could be read as it stuck out from the unconscious superheroine's sex, it read; "Better luck next time, live and learn. See you at the Castle, or the Humbled Heroine.