Saturday, December 31, 2011
Lisette - Her Origins

Sunday, November 13, 2011
Terror Teddy - Scourge of Superheroines

Saturday, November 5, 2011
Mighty Melinda and Super Femme Costume Retrival Attempt #1

Saturday, August 13, 2011
Vampires - Two for One - Scarlet Avenger Has Problems

"Damn that Desire!" the young, blond super beauty thought. The Scarlet Avenger had fought Dr. Simon Desire before and he had always managed to either defeat her or escape. Even when she manged to bring him to a super high security prison it turned out he wanted to go there to breakout another criminal scientist. She had fought his first lieutenants/bodyguards, Lisette and Leore. She blushed at the thought, Lisette and Desire had found ways of not only defeating her in battle but getting her so sensually and sexually stimulated that she had multiple orgasms, which weakened her tremendously. Lisette had even manged what could be termed a "sexual knockout", making the puritanical powerhouse orgasm till she passed out cold. Simon Desire had a powerful "Knockout Kiss" which finished her several months ago.
" If only they would fight fair", she thought. Well, at least she did not wake up after a drugged three weeks serving those disgusting people at "The Velvet Clam", a brothel. She still had no idea how she got there. She remembered getting beaten groggy in a fight with Desire at his castle and seeing and his right uppercut come flying at her jaw and then waking up three weeks later with a drunken couple having sex on her, using her body as a mattress.
The superheroine sat up and gently shook her head to clear it. Her long, beautiful, blond head settled over her slender shoulders as her huge, firm boobs wobbled enticingly. A thought creeped into the dazed heroine mind that Dr. Simon Desire and his henchwomen were the only criminals who could defeat the beautiful, buxom superheroine and sexually excite her at the same time. She immediately dismissed the notion as absurd, they were all horrible criminals, the scum of the earth. Yet as Desire wore her out during the fight, she felt some sort of heightened sexual stimulation and as she lay there groggy and he fastened on a super tight and powerful sleeper hold, she thought she had an orgasm before blacking out. Her fingers probed and the velvet, soft folds of her pussy wet wet with her own juices.
"Bastard!" she snapped, more irritated with herself until she reasoned that the stimulation was her super body's way of reacting to being knocked out, rather than anything that had to do with Desire or Lisette. She had only been fighting crime as a superheroine for the past two years, since she was 19. She was successful too, except whenever she ran up against Dr. Simon Desire and his organization.
"What's this?" she looked at the inside of her right elbow and saw a tiny, red mark. The Avenger had gotten her powers through a series of rare gas body treatments done by the recruiting arm of a all female law enforcement of the government called the Clandestine Officer Units Guarding the American Republic or COUGAR. She was the pinnacle of their efforts to create a "super solider". She could fly, lift and carry a ton and a half, her reaction time was three times faster than a human, her skin could withstand most common bullets and knives and her recuperative powers were incredibly fast. With her enhanced battle training she could take and deal out a tremendous amount of damage. She was considered a level 8 superheroine. She cleaned house when fighting most criminals, most. Something had penetrated her skin, a needle perhaps.
"But what needle could penetrate my skin?" she thought. "And where am I?"
Adjusting her skimpy battle skin so that her mighty mams were mostly covered, she slowly got to her feet. She stretched her arms and her long powerful legs. She cracked her aching neck and rubbed where Desire's sleeper had cut off the flow of blood to her brain. She heard a light, high pitched ethereal sigh.
She was surrounded by the remains of debris of a torn down city building, a huge vacant city block. Huge blocks of concrete reinforced with rebar, shattered pane glass, empty cheap whiskey bottles and trash littered the destroyed city block. Abandoned row homes were on the surrounding streets and in the distance, tall and ominous slum tenement buildings made up the skyline.
A cold breeze and a light caress of her neck made the superheroine spin around. Nothing, night air. Standing tall, mighty chest out, long legs spread, the Scarlet Avenger demanded, "Where are you? Desire, is this another of your fiendish tricks?"
A light giggle, as if from a deep well echoed in the heroine's ears. She felt arms surround her and cool hands massage her huge, perfect breasts, pinching her nipples. Spinning around and throwing a roundhouse right resulted in a whoosh of air as the steel hard fist struck - nothing.
Confused, the Scarlet Avenger, gasped out loud, as ice cold fingers stroked the lips of her still moist pussy and clit, through her battle thong, pressing in like an icicle. Throwing a super powered spinning kick which hissed through the empty air infuriated the beautiful superheroine.
"Come out and fight me, whoever you are!!" demanded the blushing super beauty.
"My, such a temper and you are most certainly NOT an average city dweller", purred a very feminine voice with a polished English accent.
Whirling around the blond superheroine saw a beautiful, buxom woman with long brown hair. A ruby red lace bra held her big, round, firm breasts and she wore a long sleeved, Victorian cut, lamb wool jacket which emphasised her spectacular bust and her flat, firm stomach. A light, short fur skirt which had numerous slices, showing of her long, sculpted legs. a grey web thong almost covered her sex. Her skin covering her young and voluptuous shape was very pale and her ruby red lips and coal black eyes made the very atmosphere surrounding the mysterious woman smoldering sensual and highly sexually charged.
"You may call me Lady Syble," the woman whispered. Her eyes got huge as she caught the equally sexy superheroine in a gaze that trapped and stupefied the blonde superbabe. "You are mine now," smirked Lady Syble.
The Scarlet Avenger saw everything in a haze that wrapped all around her numbing her and stripping her of any desire to act. She saw Lady Syble's canine teeth grow long and wickedly sharp.
"I am your mistress and you are my food, my toy and my slave." the sexy superheroine heard the words thunder in her mind. Her blood thirsty opponent stepped forward, wrapped strong arms around her own voluptuous body, their breasts mashed together, nipples dueling and drew her opened mouth to the throat of the entrapped superheroine.
"NO!!" snapped the Scarlet Avenger, somehow summoning the will power to break the spell of the sexy vampire. Pushing her back with her left hand the buxom superbabe threw a roundhouse right cross which exploded on the jaw of the surprised Lady Syble like a freight train, knocking her back thirty feet to slam into the remains of a brick wall, which collapsed with the impact.
"You're a vampire!" gasped the amazed superheroine, "but how can that be? Vampires don't exist!" Lady Syble lay stunned by the sudden and powerful move.
A movement of darkness, almost faster than the human eye could follow rockets towards the Scarlet Avenger and a three hundred pound concrete and rebar slammed into the sexy Avenger's stomach, propelling her the air 50 feet and slamming her into an wrecked Cadillac, which bent like a V, pinning the stunned superheroines arms to her sides.
"You should have softened this one up." a groggy Scarlet Avenger heard throaty, sensual female voice mummered in her mind. "You can smell that her blood is far more enriched than normal mortals." Her bleary, wavering eyesight showed three images, all of them a powerful, auburn haired beauty dressed in a leather battle suit. Appearing slightly older than Lady Syble, this vampire was even more voluptuous, beautiful and sexy. Stepping forward this vampire held onto the huge chunk of concrete by four lengths of rebar in her right hand.
The beautiful and groggy Scarlet Avenger thought, "Maybe I can push the car apart and surprise this bitch with an attack! But a powerful kick between her spread legs, which pushed the car back 12 feet, ended that idea. Swinging the concrete/rebar weapon like an ancient morning star and slamming it on the top of the Scarlet Avenger's head with such power that the chunk exploded into pieces, end all her ideas for the night.
As Lady Syble walk up, rubbing her sore jaw, she saw the still trapped superbabe barely conscious. "NOW you can put her under." the older vampire snarled, " I claim victor's rights for first feeding!"
"Lilthandra, you have no right", snapped Lady Syble, her sharp teeth bared.
"Be grateful I allow you to keep this prize and that I don't drink her dry!" roared Lilithandra, snapping at Lady Syble's throat. She is probably another hunter and she would have killed you had I not intervened. Now put her under!"
Lady Syble now had no trouble mentally dominating the barely conscious superheroine. "What are you?" ask the young vampire.
"I am the meal, the toy and the slave of Lady Syble." intoned the conquered superheroine.
"Now let me feed!" snarled Lilithandra as she attempted to plunge her fangs into the neck of the enslaved superbeauty. "Her skin is unlike any I have experienced in 980 years. It is much much tougher than any creature I have ever fed on."
"Let me try", began Lady Syble.
"You think a child of 143 year can succeed where I cannot!" snarled Lilithandra and attacked the bared throat of the nearly KOed superheroine. She managed to make two small puncture. the superheroine's blood was indeed rich. More rich than any the ancient vampire had ever tasted. After she finished and remarked at the wonderful quality to Lady Syble, who then sucked and licked her share of blood from the mighty superheroine who was having incredibly potent sexual dreams. Lady Syble felt and heard the turned on superheroine building to an heroic orgasm. A caress or two brought the weakened Avenger to an explosive orgasm. She then passed out cold.
Satisfied after the battle, the victory and the feed, the two vampires suddenly began to to feel oddly. It was still night and they both felt an overwhelming desire to sleep. They both felt groggy. Their eyes after feeding, which would normally be blood red were a bright yellow.
"We've been poisoned!" screamed Lilithandra who tried to dematerialize. "Ged bag to yo coffin or th sun'll fry yuuhhhh", slurred the powerful vampire who then collapsed, knocked out .
"I can't.... , said Lady Syble as she stumbled to the fallen, unconscious Lilithandra. "I canna consatrate". She staggered to the still trapped unconscious superbabe. "Yuh bish, ha di ya do this tuh us. Ah feeeel sooooo, uhhhhh!" . With that Lady Syble passed out, falling backwards to lay spread eagle before her busty, conquered victim.
A moment later a Dr Simon Desire, Lisette and Leore, all dressed in jet black battle skins, materialized on the scene. Holding the ends of the car, Desire pushed the mangled vehicle forward from the center, freeing the KOed superheroine who fell flat on the KOed vampire, cheek to cheek, nipple to nipple and mount to mount.
" How sweet," smiled the powerful criminal boss. "Looks like we got a bonus on this venture." Lets get these two back to the security cells."
"What about Helen?" asked Lisette.
"They always need help at the Velvet Clam. Now lets get the information from Lady Syble."
Monday, July 25, 2011
Target: A Sexy 143 Year Old Vampire

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Lisette Trains for a Mission
Lisette, hair dyed jet black, iris coloration altered to brown/black faced off against me in the Castle training ring, an force field contained area or several thousand square feet, containing large obstructions, raised platforms and several computer hidden traps and random weapons which either of us could (and did) use. We were both drenched in perspiration and aching from the punishment of our two and a half hour battle. Though this was a trainning battle we both fought at full power and with intent to do maximum damage. Our next two targets were extremely powerful, tough and almost as devious as I am. The best of our battle skills,toughness, technology,and seductive powers would be needed to nail them. But the wealth of a world was mine if we could prevail.
BAMM!! BAMMM!!! BAMM!! BAMMM!! BBAMM!!! BOOOM!!! I spun and counter spun, barely countering her punches that slammed into the carbo-tanium column, slightly denting the unbreakable material. Lisette felt no pain, her use of kei and her battle center made her immune from that. I knew she was totally centered on the fight. The only other sensation she felt at the moment was raw lust. Battle lust and sexual lust were two sides of the same coin and I train my use both in a complimentary stategy, often at the same time. It's one of the many things that give us advantage over superheroines that are stronger than we are and it would be critical in the comming mission.
Lisette made a rookie mistake then. She leaped up and at the last moment stuck out with a lightening fast spinning side kick which missed taking off my head by inches as I threw myself backward into a bridge. Throwing my right arm across my body my body rotated and delivered a full powered kick to her side. THHHUUUDDDD!!!! SPRAAANNNNNCRAAAAKKKK!!! My beautiful henchwoman tried to ride the kick out but the power slammed her into a reinforced rebar net, which she crashed through and lay momentarily stunned on the plated floor, surrounded by snaped and broken metal bars.
As I crossed I saw at ther base of the shattered rebar net, a small black pouch was revealed. A computer hidden weapon. As I picked up the pouch, I felt the shape of a dart. Removing the dart, it was colored blue, gross muscle paralysis dart. Lisette was already rising, shaking her head to clear it and executing an evasive series of gymnastic manuvers when the dart hit her on the inside of her left thigh.
"Damn!!" she cursed as she knew the fight was almost over. In mid cartwheel her arm and leg muscles gave out and she crashed to the heavy plated floor, barely to move. The drug would be effective for about 15 minutes. Still she tried to fight back, the battle/sex lust raging inside both of us. My hands, lips, tongue and cock played Lisette's magnificent body like a fine musical instrument driving her quickly to a huge orgasm. As she panted, exhausted and spent, my lips sealed with Lisette's in a passionate kiss, our tongues seducing each other. I then pinched her nose shut and continues to kiss my servant and lover; a humiliating knockout kiss. After a brief struggle Lisette relaxed and went limp under me. As I sat up erect, Lisette threw a monster right hook, using the energy to pull her up into a sitting position, as I suspected. I blocked the hook and delivered a crushing karate chop under Lisette's jaw, under her ear. She dropped like a stone, knocked out cold. Seduction, deceit and power. Lisette was almost ready.
KOed At Castle Desire Supers Delivered to Velvet Clam Brothel by Catapult

It was recently reported by an undercover reporting team that unconscious super heroines were crashing through the heavy slate roof of the Velvet Clam and landing knocked out cold on prepared beds, several times a week.
The images above were taken after the super heroine, Pure Power crashed on to an ornate bed and Wonder Lass dropped like a rock through the roof onto a bed. Both super powered heroine sprawled helplessly as lines of anxious, eager paying customers waited to mount the sleeping beauties. Rumor has it that the buxom, KOed paragons of justice are delivered airborne to the Velvet Clam by a reinforced 500 year old catapult.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Would You Hit A Superheroine With A Baby? NO, You Hit Her With Another Superheroine

"If this Dr. Desire is dumb enough to use a cannon in a holdup, then I can take him. I can take a metal piercing shell or even a bunker buster without flinching," she murmured.
"Nobody knows my weakness," she thought as she zoomed across the city skyline. She soared down to skim the surface of the lake in the park gazing at her mighty body approvingly. A perfect bend of power and beauty, big, full, firm chest, slender waist, gorgeous, long powerful legs, full moist lips and crystal blue eyes with long, thick, luxurious, hair. Justice Girl knew most superheros, superheroines and powerful, rich, connected men would give their right arms to enjoy the charms beneath her skimpy white battle skin. Twenty three years old, the sexy superbabe slowed her approach as she neared the museum, thinking what would work best in attacking Desire. She decided that an open frontal assault would show the villainous idiot how useless his resistance would be and it would look good in the papers. She might even let him get in a shot, so the public would see how tough she was. She saw a big man in a black, tight battle skin loading a big silver sarcophagus into an overlong, super-reinforced truck. Four smaller figures in similar black battle skins held odd shaped, broad barreled sub machine guns. Mounted on the truck was a long 30 foot long barreled cannon. Justice Girl laughed to herself.
"What a moron! It's not an energy weapon at all. It's just a normal, rifle barreled cannon. Looks like it shoots a 2o or 22 inch projectile. A big mobile artillery cannon," she thought.
The young, sexy Defender of Justice hovered 40 feet in there air, her hands on her curvy hips, her full cape billowing behind her in the breeze.
"You might as well give up now Desire and spare yourself and your thugs a beating."
Justice Girl saw that Dr. Simon Desire looked to be in his mid-thirties, handsome in a craggy way, powerfully built, light brown hair, greying at the temples. He smiled and nodded to an accomplice in the truck, the barrel of the cannon began to turn to face the voluptuous superheroine.
And you are?" the rugged villain inquired.
" I am Justice Girl," the blond bombshell intoned, "Defender of Justice." The superheroine's big, beautiful chest, and tight round ass thrust out even further.
"You are not on the list, so I guess we have not officially met. I will have to remedy that. I am Dr Simon Desire, supergenius and villain extraordinaire," the big man executed a perfect bow, never taking his eyes off the shocked superheroine. "I would like to take you to my castle, the next time we meet. Presently I am have some urgent tasks that need my attention." the handsome villain spoke matter-of factly. The big cannon drew a bead on the Justice Girl. The cross hairs in the truck rested on the sexy superheroine's flat bellyabout three inches above where navel would be. Justice Girl did not fail to notice the weapon's aim.
"I think you are confused Desire," she snapped. "You are spending about 300 life sentences in prison."
" I hope you'll allow me to defend myself." Desire replied earnestly..
"If you insist," laughed Justice Girl, her breasts bobbled delightfully. Her nipples began to harden and she felt a heat between her luscious, strong thighs. Anticipating battle always got Justice Girl hot. "What do you intend to do with your pea shooter? Tickle me?" mocked the gorgeous rookie superbabe. She tightened her super strong abdominal muscles, anxious to see the useless projectile explode against her steel strong muscles leaving her gloriously unharmed.
" I actually intended on using her to open up the museum's safe, but the curator was so accommodating that he gave me the sarcophagus without a fight but she has tickled me and much more," Desire winked, lightly patting the large outlined bulge at his crotch. "Fire," Desire said conversationally.
Justice Girl had enough time to wonder, "Her? she?" Justice Girl's enhanced hearing picked up the moans and rhythmic sounds of sex coming from the barrel of the cannon. An earsplitting roar of the big gun's report, just about deafened her. A red blur streaked at Justice Girl at hypersonic speed. Justice girl recognized the voluptuous form and scarlet battle skin of of Lady Invincible her face screwed up in unquenchable sexual desire.
"SHI .. GOUUUUUGGGGGOOOHHHH!!!!! was all the white clad buxom superheroine could get out as the equally buxom red clad superheroine, Lady Invincible, slammed head first into Justice Girl's flexed abdominals. The physics of two near invulnerable bodies colliding at almost 3000 mile per hour were devastating to the two superheroines, knocking both out cold and dropping them both straight down to lay unmoving on the grey-blue tarmac.
Slipping on gloves and a wite lab jacket, Dr Desire walk taking a sampling box he walked up to the two limp, defeated superheroines. Ligthtly kicking the white clad figure between her spread eangle thighs, the supervillain was rewarded with a weary moan but no movement. Kneeling at her side he lifed an eyelid and confirmed the superbabe was indeed knocked out cold. He repeated his check on Lady Invinsable whose head rested on Justice Girl's belly. His check had the same result. Both sexy heroines were deeply in LaLa Land.
He opened Justice Girl's mouth and slid in a test tube, collecting saliva. Using a carbo-tanium needle and clear CT tube to collect a blood sample. Slipping the battle skin to the side to expose her pussy, Dr Desire was not surprised to find her sex wet and that her clit was erect. Deftly manipulating the unconscious superheroine's clit and pussy bringing her to an orgasm and catching her spurting cum and pussy juice in another test tube. A Desire guard pulled Justice Girl's long, thick blond hair, to sit her up, her head lolled forward. Dr Desire then pulled the top of her white battle skin down far enough to expose her perfect, round, firm breasts. The helpless heroine's nipples were hard and erect. The supervillain massaged his target's breasts, teasing her nipples by pinching and gently twisting them. He milked her like a cow and squirted pre-milk into a test tube. The Guard released her hair and Justice Girl fell back to lay spread eagle with a THUD!
Sample collected. Dr. Desire unfastened Justice Girl's beautiful blue cape to exhibit at his pub, The Humbled Heroine. He wrote a short note on a calling card and slid it underneath the white battle skin and halfway into her pussy. Desire climbed into the truck with his samples and his guards. They then phased out of sight and disappeared from view leaving the two unconscious superheroines to the mercies of the crowds, the police and newspaper and televion reports who were busy taking pictures and running film. The note could be read as it stuck out from the unconscious superheroine's sex, it read; "Better luck next time, live and learn. See you at the Castle, or the Humbled Heroine.
Friday, June 3, 2011
KOed Black Wonder Woman Boosts SBB Missle Sales
Months ago several superheroines from the League were taken out of a huge fight, after being decoyed with a few standard missles and then hit with a SBB (Superbabe Buster Missle. Later a Suberbabe Buster delivered the coup de gras to Supra Woman and another put Super Star deep into LaLa Land. The sale of these super bludgeon weapons has been going steady until the recent battle pitting Tandara, a Black goddess from Amazon Isle.
If I could capture this beautiful, powerhouse using my little toy, I knew that sales would easily quadruple. This superheroine has taken to justice, numerous criminal and super criminal element, globally. Her power is on par with other Amazon battlers and she is even the equal to Diana Prince. However her ability to withstand punishment, her constitution, is double that of any Amazon. She is a tremendously tough opponent.
I lured the buxom Amazon to the top of an unfinished skyscraper where she thought some hostages were being held. She fought Lisette and me. She took a tremendous beating but always rose to fight on. Tandara is a beautiful, black tank. Predictable, as all superheroines are; when she saw the missle soar toward the tiny shack, where she thought the hostages were being kept. The shack was at the very top or the structure, on the highest platform. Tandara broke away from our fight and swung in to free the hostages only to find the shack empty. The SBB came through the flimsy wall and slammed into that big luscious chest.
My new power compressed explosive technology delivers massive destructive power to an area of only a few meters. The power of the concussion blows the exotic, chocolate colored Tandara through a dozen highrise buildings and carries her to the outskirts of the city. She smashes through the vertical steel girder of an abandoned construction site, slowing her meteoric trip. Her voluptuous body plows a furrow in a long concrete pad. Crashing through a final stone wall her limp body flips over and slams down, spread eagle on the ground.
Following her destructive involuntary flight path, Lisette and I find the Black Amazon blockbuster laying on her back groaning, stunned, semiconscious, weak and helpless. Tandara's nipples are hard and erect, pushing up the material of her costume.Her dark eyes are rolling around in her head, unfocused. Kneeling by her steaming hot, powerful body, I run my index and middle fingers between her powerful thighs, along her pussy and find the material moist, her clit aroused and erect. As I continue to sexually stimulate the helpless Black superheroine, her legs weakly scissors, her hips unable to thrust up against my slick fingers, as they slide inside the velvet soft, wet folds of her gaping pussy. Tandara's pussy muscles contract and try to milk my fingers. Her groaning becomes moaning as her passion grows. The fingers of my left hand pinch the Black Super Beauty's nose closed as the fingers of my right hand relentlessly drive my target toward a monumental orgasm just a few moments away. My warm wet lips seal against Tandara's full, lush, wet lips, cutting off all air to the helpless Amazon goddess. As my tongue slides into the downed superbabe's mouth I find her own tongue anxious to sensuously play, seemingly oblivious that her vital air supply has been cut off.
The big, buxom Black Super Beauty shudders and convulses as her body orgasms and at the same time realizes that she is being slowly, sensually being knocked out, but completely helpless to stop the KO. Arms and legs whirlwind weakly, her groans turning into a few weak squeaks. Movement and sounds melt away as Tandara relaxes completely. The KO Kiss finishes her off, knocking her out cold.
After Lisette collects the DNA and power indicator samples of blood, saliva, pre-milk,and vaginal secretions I truss up Tandara with soft, unbreakable carbo-tanium cuffs, elbow and knee binds and ankle connectors. She will stay at the Castle for a week, then a catapult delivery to the Velvet Clam brothel. I take her tiara as battle spoils, which will be on display along with hundreds of other superheroine and female fighter personal items, at my luxury pub and entertainment center, The Humbled Heroine. Slinging my Sleeping Super Chocolate Delight across my broad shoulders, Lisette and I phase out back to the Castle.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
The Scarlet Sickle Test

The scene was, kinky. A mix of the middle ages and the distant future melded in the heavy granite dungeon lit by candles, torches, computer screens and apparatus that had been created on other worlds and dimensions. Four people stood in the dismal room Three spectacularly sexy, deceptively powerful women. One in a jet black battle skin, the other woman in a dazzling battle skin, with a mesmerizing design which seemed to move and throb, The third was the internationally known Russian super heroine, Scarlet Sickle who had vanished mysteriously a week ago from a high end vodka bar. The blonde haired Russian powerhouse lay helpless on a heavy marble table, unfettered, except for a cerebro-stasis beam, which scrambled her thoughts, idea, mental pictures and senses at such a high speed that despite her indomitable will and fighting spirit and super powerful physique she was incapable of moving. Dressed in a short red cape, a red thong and an ultra sheer, red, 10 inch skirt and a red bikini top which barely held her round firm breasts. The fourth person in the room was a handsome man, large and powerfully built a touch of grey shot through his brown hair, dressed in black battle skin covered by a lab coat. A seductive evil aura surrounded the man. He was Dr. Simon Desire, super villain and genius scientist who could trade punches with the mightiest super heroines. His evil empire stretched beyond the boundaries of earth and into several dimensions.
The women belonged to him, body and soul. Working quickly and meticulously the man dipped a small painter’s brush into a small beaked of light grey powder and ran the brush lightly on the soles of his captive’s boots. He lightly painted the thong as it rode between the shapely thighs, emphasizing her moist mons and anus, which held tight to the dusting. Desire applied the brush to the material covering the busty super heroine’s nipples.
“That should be the minimal amount to achieve my intended results.” said the devious doctor examining his work.
Next to the captured super heroine, a cardboard cutout of the ultra sexy Russian super heroine with a single micro receptor clipped on to the cardboard figure which was chained to the floor and ceiling to keep it from moving.
The woman in black, Lisette an incredibly exotic and beautiful Chinese-French woman with long red hair and fiery green eyes and a voluptuous, ultra fit physique, stood next to Desire her hands resting on his broad muscular shoulder, as she watched him work. Lisette was Desire’s bodyguard/hit woman and lover.
“Simon, what exactly is the power?” Lisette asked, leaning against the villain, her big firm bust brushing his arm.
“The dust is actually millions of micro dyna-joule transmitters
The other woman, Leore a staggeringly curvaceous beauty with cold blue, hypnotic eyes and short white hair, also served Dr. Desire as a bodyguard and hit woman, watched the operations with interest.
“Lisette, begin the transfer.” murmured Dr. Desire.
Lisette turned to a instrument bank threw a small switch. The cardboard cutout shimmered for a few seconds. Dr. Desire picked up a heavy iron club and stepped in front of the cardboard cut out. Limbering up the villain slammed the club into the abdomen area of the cardboard figure, which should have shredded the cardboard, but the club was stopped by the intact cardboard with a heavy THUD.
Checking a probe readout screen, Lisette’s honey sweet voice relayed the information. “The target’s powers of strength and invulnerability are now linked to the cutout. She felt the blow but the impact is far below her estimated pain/injury threshold.” “As predicted.” smiled Desire.”Leore.”
The super villainess picked an ugly, medieval looking weapon, a huge, heavy, gnarled fist on a two and a half foot long handle. Both handle and fist were made of a dull black material. Placing the head of the weapon between her magnificent breasts, Leore purred. Leore was tall and powerfully built yet she seethed sensual and sexual energy. Casually Leore began swinging the modern morning star in a figure eight; Desire pressed a button on a small hand held device and the metal fisted weapon began to glow. Leore swing built momentum and Leore expertly swung out of the pattern and the fist thundered into the exact spot on the cutout where Desire iron club had moments before hit without any affect. BaBAMM! “PPUUHHhhh!” This time however a double thud could be heard, almost simultaneously. The Scarlet Sickle gasped, her eyes wide in shock and pain. The heavy, marble slab on which she lay, cracked as she slammed back. Her hand clutched her aching belly.
“Engergy transferred in dual strikes, the second three times greater than the first.” intoned Lisette calling the information on the readout. “Retained energy is 90%.”
Leore swung the fist around her head and brought it around and up to slam between the cardboard thighs. BuBUUMM!!! ” HHHAAAIIIHHhhhh!! Ohhhh, Nyehhht!!!” screamed the Russian crime fighter her hands holding and massaging her battered pussy. “Good one Leore!” exclaimed Lisette, “Again a twin strike, the same 3 to 1 difference between the second and first strike. Her energy retention is down to 77%. Her body is replicating and magnifying each blow.”
“Keep monitoring Lisette. Leore, continue the experiment.” Desire said, concentrating.
Leore spun the weapon till it was a dark blur, then breaking into the figure 8 swing, the heavy fist weapon blasted the super heroine on the sides of her head 4 times: THU-THUDD, “UHH!!” THU- THUDD, “UHHH!!” THU-THUDD,” OHHH!!” THU-THUDD, OHHH! UUHhh! snapping her head back and forth.
“ Four double strike series, 59%, . . 44%, . .31%, . . 17% . . target has energy retention, the target is semiconscious.”
“Disengage cerebro-stasis beam.” said Dr. Desire walking next to the stunned, sexy, super heroine, her eyes rolling, unfocused. He examined her carefully as she moaned, scissors her long legs open and closed and rolled her head in her semiconscious state.
“The experiment is a total success. We can incapacitate a the highest level super entity directly or indirectly.” he smiled. “We have the pirated Ryan coordinates, the plan, the weapon, the equipment. Lisette, you have the profiles on the two super vamps?”
“Yes, Simon, I’ll brief you and Leore in transit.”
“Uh, our guest’s retained energy is now 21%, she’s beginning to come to.” warned Lisette.
The groggy Russian super crime fight struggled to sit up, shaking her head to clear it. Her long beautiful hair swirled seductively, following her groggy head.
“Uhhhhh! Moja golova . . . (my head . . .)” she groaned, her slender fingers caressing her temple and still aching pussy.
CRAAAAKKK!! “UUHHhhhh!” Dr. Desire’s round house right to her jaw snapped the soviet super heroine’s head and shoulders and upper torso. “Ohhh!” the blonde bombshell moaned as her body swayed on the marble slab, her eyes rolling up in her head. She fell back onto the slab with a Thunk!
Horosha noch’, vozljublennyj. (Good night, sweetheart) sneered Desire as he massaged the knuckles of his right hand.
“Single strike, 4% retained energy, she’s out cold.” laughed Lisette.
“Leore, inject her, load her on the catapult. They can use her at the Velvet Clam.” ordered Dr. Desire. “Be back here in an hour. Then we have to extract those three League bitches.”
Desire's New Interrogator

Dr. Desire's empire is expected to grow dramatically this summer with a record number of superheroines falling helplessly into his clutches. Lisette and Leore will be very busy seducing, bashing and collecting these busty do-gooders. Vast amounts of information will have to be pried out of those full, moist, sealed lips (all of them). A specialist needed to be found and Dr. Desire has retained the services of the perfect candidate for this job of Interrogator. This woman, selected from the Elite Guard force of Desires vast human resources has undergone brutally intense trainning of Lisette, Leore and Dr. Desire himself. The woman was herself subjected to every torture and seduction device and technique in the Desire vast arsenal . She was trainned, tamed, brainwashed using torture, sex and sensuality, psycological and emotional pressure, drugs. Her identity has been crushed, destroyed and wiped from her mind, she is simply - Interrogator. She lives to serve Dr. Simon Desire, body, heart, mind and soul. She is a fighter well below the power and ability of Lisette, but far beyond a powerful well trainned man. However her knowledge of psycology and the anatomy and psyiology of human and several hundered "alien" life forms is far beyond anyone on earth. Her ability in using pain, drugs, sensual and sexual persuasion and other more unusal methods to induce stubborn superheroines to reveal information has never failed.
If a superheroine wakes up in a Dr. S. Desire dungeon or holding cell and has information that Dr. Desire wants - one way or the other, whether using blinding pain, ego shattering humiliation, mind numbing drugs or unending orgiastic sesuality and sex - the Interrogator WILL make her talk.