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Friday, November 9, 2012

Super Sensualists - a Different Type of Super

Super sensualist Mighty Milker Mary is a renown "Cow Puncher" who can KO a big titted superheroine or fighting female with one single punch after wearing them down to a frazzle using her masterful sensual powers andsexual techniques. Her physical strength, powers and fighting skills are impressive for any heroine but if she gets her hands on a superheroine's boobs or pussy, that super fillie is as good as corralled. Slightly pheromonic, every inch of Mighty Mary's body is designed to give erotic, exotic, ecstasy and mountain moving orgasms, lots of them whether the subject is willing or resistant. Superheroines and female fighters who tangle with "The Milker" are heading for " Last Roundup", for the night.

Super Sensualists play a big part of the world of Dr. Desire. They can be powerful fighters with super powers but they primarily use sensual and sexual assaults and defenses. Seduction, sensual mesmerizing and phyical sexual knockouts are the methods they use to defeat, capture or effect an escape from their opponents. Insane sensualists will employ their talents to kill opponents. 

Masters of exquisite pain and pleasure, the powers of the best super sensualists can be as devastating to an opponent or opponents as a full powered punch by Supergirl or Wonder Woman (who have both been taken out by a variety of super sensualists). Super sensualists can be be super villains(esses) and super heroines. 

Superheroines who are super sensualists are considered renegades, illegitimate, suspicious  and generally looked upon with great disdain by publicly accepted superheroines. The victories of superheroine super sensualists are never publicized no matter how great the defeated villain or villainess is.

Superheroines fall easily to villainous super sensualists if taken by surprise, stunned, distracted, seduced, or sexually "primed", physically, chemically or biologically.

Super sensualists make taming, trainning and turning normal humans and "supers" much easier and efficient, with less mental and emotional warping.

Want to find a wide variety of super sensualists? Come to the Humbled Heroine and watch (or participate) in the Battle Ring.     


  1. That sounds exactly like the type of opponent I should go up against!

    1. That can be arranged. Mary can trib with you endlessly, wringing orgasm after orgasm out of you as she milks you. When you are completely exhausted, unable to take one more orgasm or "nipple-gasm, she can give you a well deserved rest with a short, powerful right jabs to your jaw, knocking you out cold. Then as you are forced in a state of relaxation she will milking you and orgasm your unconscious body a dozen more times.

    2. *shudder*... Where can I find this... Mary..;)
