There are many super heroines and other female fighters who think they have what it takes to take out an opponent with a breast smother. I doubt even if the Good Girls have enough boob to banzai a baddy, they don't have the strategy in mind or the nerve to execute the assault.
I, on the other hand have invested in an assault/recon unit that I call the Smother Squad. These four big boobed babes can work individually, in pairs or in a quad. I have used them against normal strength opponents and mid-level super heroines. Dressed in specially constructed black or camouflage cat suits, which leave their breasts free. One unit member will lay in ambush while a second follows the target. The ambush is sprung and the surprised super heroine's face is buried DEEP between the massive boobs of the first Smother Babe as she is held in a tight embrace. The second Smother Babe comes from behind and throws her arms around the super heroine, embracing her and latching on to the arms of the first Smother Babe. This completes the "Super heroine Smothering Sandwich". The huge bosom of the second Smother Babe keeps the super heroine's face forced between the mighty mams of the first Smother Babe. Quickly and silently the super heroine is rendered unconscious. If a super heroine is a bit on the strong side, a few drops of chloro- knockout drops between the breasts will knockout the super heroine before she can use her strength. Last weekend the Smother Squad took out a super heroine patrol of three, one at a time, without a single punch being thrown. These super heroine are on their way to a new wealthy master who wanted them without even a bruise. A new and curvy arrow to fight super heroines and female fighters have been added to my quiver.
I, on the other hand have invested in an assault/recon unit that I call the Smother Squad. These four big boobed babes can work individually, in pairs or in a quad. I have used them against normal strength opponents and mid-level super heroines. Dressed in specially constructed black or camouflage cat suits, which leave their breasts free. One unit member will lay in ambush while a second follows the target. The ambush is sprung and the surprised super heroine's face is buried DEEP between the massive boobs of the first Smother Babe as she is held in a tight embrace. The second Smother Babe comes from behind and throws her arms around the super heroine, embracing her and latching on to the arms of the first Smother Babe. This completes the "Super heroine Smothering Sandwich". The huge bosom of the second Smother Babe keeps the super heroine's face forced between the mighty mams of the first Smother Babe. Quickly and silently the super heroine is rendered unconscious. If a super heroine is a bit on the strong side, a few drops of chloro- knockout drops between the breasts will knockout the super heroine before she can use her strength. Last weekend the Smother Squad took out a super heroine patrol of three, one at a time, without a single punch being thrown. These super heroine are on their way to a new wealthy master who wanted them without even a bruise. A new and curvy arrow to fight super heroines and female fighters have been added to my quiver.