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Saturday, February 14, 2015

Mighty Melinda Mysteriously Missing

As thrilled as a supervillain, such as myself adores to beat, knock out, seduce, humiliate, sensually and sexually enjoy and generally utterly defeat  superheroines and female fighters of all types and varieties, I have never unmasked or in any other way permanently removed my beautiful, buxom do-gooding targets and opponents.What sense would that make? The thrill of the chase and the exultation of victory and the enjoyment of my "enemies" recover and come back after me again and again would make the real removal or destruction of my curvacious, frequently wanton hunters or prey counter productive. 

So I was set back when I saw that Mighty Melinda's blog, the Heroine League HQ had disappeared. Mighty Melinda and a number of the League's heroines have crossed swords with me and Lisette a number of times. I even helped her and the League out of a dilemma (for my own nefarious purposes, of course). I have added a story of two to the Heroine League HQ blog as well. But she appears to be gone. I hope this is not a permanent status.

Perhaps she has been weakened by super boob busting, KOed and taken captive. Perhaps she has been bear-hugged to a blackout she is shackled in a  super-proof cell. Perhaps she has been seduced and orgasmed to a sexual KO where a ultra sexy supervillainess is keeping her in a highly eroticized state and therefore, helpless.Perhaps she has been drugged and mind whisked where she is staggering around totally unaware of who she is (I must check the Velvet Clam, she would be VERY popular.) Maybe she is drinking hard at the Humbled Heroine and is being taken repeatedly to the steamy candle lit shadows and pools of the Grotto.

Whereever she is, I hope we will cross swords again at some point. If not I hope she will be well.

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