I have had so many requests asking about Lisette origin. I have told a few players but i never have written down the whole story, until now. I have been role playing at a very interesting site called f-list (f-list.com, thank you Mighty Maiden). At this site I wrote a detailed description of Dr. Desire, but i whole the whole origin of Lisette. At that site I had to change her name to Lissette, because my original spelling was taken. For those of you interested, here is Lisette's life story:
Lissette was born in western China. Her mother was a beautiful daughter of the governor of the province and her father was a French missionary. When the governor, who had promised his daughter to the son of high governmental official, discovered their forbidden love, and worse, that his daughter was pregnant, he sent a kunoichi squad to regain family honor. The women killed the two lovers immediately and discovered the new born baby girl hidden in a cupboard. Rather than kill the child, the kunoichi turned the baby over to the monks of a Forbidden temple. The child became a slave of the monks, hauling wood and water and cleaning. The slightest act of disobedience brought beatings that placed the young girl to the edge of the shadow of death, only to be pulled away by a resucitative spell of the monks.
The child discovered a locket belonging to her mother sewn into her baby blanket, when she was 5 years old. She discovered her name was Lissette and that her parents loved her, and that was all.
Lisette grew up strong and grew beautiful. Despite the hideous beatings, the monks would never allow the abrasions, gashes, ripped flesh and bruises to remain on Lissette's flawless body and quickly maturing. At age 15, Lissette's face and body was that of a woman of unparalleled beauty and sexual appeal. She became the vessel, which all the monks would use to sate their feelings of lust. She began to develop an independent spirit with maturity, and the beatings she was given became more frequent and more viscious. Bones were now broken, organs ruptured, blood flowed and while the monks always pulled Lisette away from the very brink of death, they allowed her to feel all the pain. Lissette grew very bitter about life and after a few abortive attempts to flee the Forbidden temple, she began to give up all hope. Escape for Lissette was impossible until . . .
A handsome, young and powerful man, a doctor, came to ask the monks about a hidden relic of power that he felt the monks possessed. The monks captured the man through treachery and imprisoned him. The doctor told the monks that they had one chance and that they would all die if they did not release him immediately. This threat made the monks laught, but none would enter the prison cell to confront or beat the man. Lissette gave food and water to the handsome doctor and had memorized a minor healing spell to ease his pain. They talked at length, when Lissette could steal away. She managed to aid the doctor in getting the relic, and in escaping but she was caught by the monks and slowly tortured. This time the monks intended Lissette to die as slowly and as painfully as their dark arts would allow. She would have died, were it not for the doctor's timely arrival with the relic of power. In the battle that followed the relic absorbed the the magic, the strength and finally the life forces of all the monks. The furious doctor watched the massacre with cold, detached unblinking eyes The young doctor went to Lissette who lay soaked in her own blood, hovering on a razors edge between life and death, with no monks to pull her from eternal oblivion. The the doctor lay the relic, glowing white with power on Lissette's chest and the anciet artifact emptied all the life force and power it contained directly into the dying girl saving her and then burned itself out to a black cinder.
Lissette recovered and quickly discovered that she was very different than before, much, much stronger, faster, more agile and so much tougher. Minor cuts healed in minutes. There were things she could do, illusions involving her own body and changing the density of her body. She could control a flow of static power through all or part of her body. She felt she could learn anything and she fell in love, with the young doctor.
Lissette was taken in by the doctor, who she discovered had the unusual name of Desire, Simon Desire. She found out that he had a massive organization and incredible power. Desire who at first declared that Lissette was simply a beautiful and talented child of 16 who was given a gift by a mysterious relic. She proved to be much, much more. Undergoing Dr. Desire's own Elite trainning program she out performed even all other trainees and then even the trainers. An intense 24 hour trainning program that took 5 years to complete she accomplished in 3 years. She was Dr. Simon Desire's most powerful agent.
Her beauty and her sexual appeal grew as rapidly as her trainning. She captured her first superheroine at age 18, using seduction, deception, and the powerful fighting skills she was taught. At age 21 and a lieutenant in his assault/defence unit, she declared her love to Dr. Desire who took her to his bed without a word.
Lissette is now Dr. Desire's bodyguard. She is sent on special assignments, knockout and collections, kidnapping, special weapons trials or seizures. She is also a skilled wrestler, boxer and sex fighter. She even fought Dr. Desire to a standstill, until pulling a very dirty trick he knocked her out cold and took her to bed, to make up. Lissette is devoted to Dr. Simon Desire, body and soul.