Helen Price, the Scarlet Avenger woke up. Her neck and head ached, but a super powered sleeper hold will do that to a superheroine. Her skin tight hyper-reinforced battle skin had been opened wide and her large and magnificent 38DD breasts were pointing to the star filled night sky. Her dark areolas were hard and the cool night breeze made them tingle.
"Damn that Desire!" the young, blond super beauty thought. The Scarlet Avenger had fought Dr. Simon Desire before and he had always managed to either defeat her or escape. Even when she manged to bring him to a super high security prison it turned out he wanted to go there to breakout another criminal scientist. She had fought his first lieutenants/bodyguards, Lisette and Leore. She blushed at the thought, Lisette and Desire had found ways of not only defeating her in battle but getting her so sensually and sexually stimulated that she had multiple orgasms, which weakened her tremendously. Lisette had even manged what could be termed a "sexual knockout", making the puritanical powerhouse orgasm till she passed out cold. Simon Desire had a powerful "Knockout Kiss" which finished her several months ago.
" If only they would fight fair", she thought. Well, at least she did not wake up after a drugged three weeks serving those disgusting people at "The Velvet Clam", a brothel. She still had no idea how she got there. She remembered getting beaten groggy in a fight with Desire at his castle and seeing and his right uppercut come flying at her jaw and then waking up three weeks later with a drunken couple having sex on her, using her body as a mattress.
The superheroine sat up and gently shook her head to clear it. Her long, beautiful, blond head settled over her slender shoulders as her huge, firm boobs wobbled enticingly. A thought creeped into the dazed heroine mind that Dr. Simon Desire and his henchwomen were the only criminals who could defeat the beautiful, buxom superheroine and sexually excite her at the same time. She immediately dismissed the notion as absurd, they were all horrible criminals, the scum of the earth. Yet as Desire wore her out during the fight, she felt some sort of heightened sexual stimulation and as she lay there groggy and he fastened on a super tight and powerful sleeper hold, she thought she had an orgasm before blacking out. Her fingers probed and the velvet, soft folds of her pussy wet wet with her own juices.
"Bastard!" she snapped, more irritated with herself until she reasoned that the stimulation was her super body's way of reacting to being knocked out, rather than anything that had to do with Desire or Lisette. She had only been fighting crime as a superheroine for the past two years, since she was 19. She was successful too, except whenever she ran up against Dr. Simon Desire and his organization.
"What's this?" she looked at the inside of her right elbow and saw a tiny, red mark. The Avenger had gotten her powers through a series of rare gas body treatments done by the recruiting arm of a all female law enforcement of the government called the Clandestine Officer Units Guarding the American Republic or COUGAR. She was the pinnacle of their efforts to create a "super solider". She could fly, lift and carry a ton and a half, her reaction time was three times faster than a human, her skin could withstand most common bullets and knives and her recuperative powers were incredibly fast. With her enhanced battle training she could take and deal out a tremendous amount of damage. She was considered a level 8 superheroine. She cleaned house when fighting most criminals, most. Something had penetrated her skin, a needle perhaps.
"But what needle could penetrate my skin?" she thought. "And where am I?"
Adjusting her skimpy battle skin so that her mighty mams were mostly covered, she slowly got to her feet. She stretched her arms and her long powerful legs. She cracked her aching neck and rubbed where Desire's sleeper had cut off the flow of blood to her brain. She heard a light, high pitched ethereal sigh.
She was surrounded by the remains of debris of a torn down city building, a huge vacant city block. Huge blocks of concrete reinforced with rebar, shattered pane glass, empty cheap whiskey bottles and trash littered the destroyed city block. Abandoned row homes were on the surrounding streets and in the distance, tall and ominous slum tenement buildings made up the skyline.
A cold breeze and a light caress of her neck made the superheroine spin around. Nothing, night air. Standing tall, mighty chest out, long legs spread, the Scarlet Avenger demanded, "Where are you? Desire, is this another of your fiendish tricks?"
A light giggle, as if from a deep well echoed in the heroine's ears. She felt arms surround her and cool hands massage her huge, perfect breasts, pinching her nipples. Spinning around and throwing a roundhouse right resulted in a whoosh of air as the steel hard fist struck - nothing.
Confused, the Scarlet Avenger, gasped out loud, as ice cold fingers stroked the lips of her still moist pussy and clit, through her battle thong, pressing in like an icicle. Throwing a super powered spinning kick which hissed through the empty air infuriated the beautiful superheroine.
"Come out and fight me, whoever you are!!" demanded the blushing super beauty.
"My, such a temper and you are most certainly NOT an average city dweller", purred a very feminine voice with a polished English accent.
Whirling around the blond superheroine saw a beautiful, buxom woman with long brown hair. A ruby red lace bra held her big, round, firm breasts and she wore a long sleeved, Victorian cut, lamb wool jacket which emphasised her spectacular bust and her flat, firm stomach. A light, short fur skirt which had numerous slices, showing of her long, sculpted legs. a grey web thong almost covered her sex. Her skin covering her young and voluptuous shape was very pale and her ruby red lips and coal black eyes made the very atmosphere surrounding the mysterious woman smoldering sensual and highly sexually charged.
"You may call me Lady Syble," the woman whispered. Her eyes got huge as she caught the equally sexy superheroine in a gaze that trapped and stupefied the blonde superbabe. "You are mine now," smirked Lady Syble.
The Scarlet Avenger saw everything in a haze that wrapped all around her numbing her and stripping her of any desire to act. She saw Lady Syble's canine teeth grow long and wickedly sharp.
"I am your mistress and you are my food, my toy and my slave." the sexy superheroine heard the words thunder in her mind. Her blood thirsty opponent stepped forward, wrapped strong arms around her own voluptuous body, their breasts mashed together, nipples dueling and drew her opened mouth to the throat of the entrapped superheroine.
"NO!!" snapped the Scarlet Avenger, somehow summoning the will power to break the spell of the sexy vampire. Pushing her back with her left hand the buxom superbabe threw a roundhouse right cross which exploded on the jaw of the surprised Lady Syble like a freight train, knocking her back thirty feet to slam into the remains of a brick wall, which collapsed with the impact.
"You're a vampire!" gasped the amazed superheroine, "but how can that be? Vampires don't exist!" Lady Syble lay stunned by the sudden and powerful move.
A movement of darkness, almost faster than the human eye could follow rockets towards the Scarlet Avenger and a three hundred pound concrete and rebar slammed into the sexy Avenger's stomach, propelling her the air 50 feet and slamming her into an wrecked Cadillac, which bent like a V, pinning the stunned superheroines arms to her sides.
"You should have softened this one up." a groggy Scarlet Avenger heard throaty, sensual female voice mummered in her mind. "You can smell that her blood is far more enriched than normal mortals." Her bleary, wavering eyesight showed three images, all of them a powerful, auburn haired beauty dressed in a leather battle suit. Appearing slightly older than Lady Syble, this vampire was even more voluptuous, beautiful and sexy. Stepping forward this vampire held onto the huge chunk of concrete by four lengths of rebar in her right hand.
The beautiful and groggy Scarlet Avenger thought, "Maybe I can push the car apart and surprise this bitch with an attack! But a powerful kick between her spread legs, which pushed the car back 12 feet, ended that idea. Swinging the concrete/rebar weapon like an ancient morning star and slamming it on the top of the Scarlet Avenger's head with such power that the chunk exploded into pieces, end all her ideas for the night.
As Lady Syble walk up, rubbing her sore jaw, she saw the still trapped superbabe barely conscious. "NOW you can put her under." the older vampire snarled, " I claim victor's rights for first feeding!"
"Lilthandra, you have no right", snapped Lady Syble, her sharp teeth bared.
"Be grateful I allow you to keep this prize and that I don't drink her dry!" roared Lilithandra, snapping at Lady Syble's throat. She is probably another hunter and she would have killed you had I not intervened. Now put her under!"
Lady Syble now had no trouble mentally dominating the barely conscious superheroine. "What are you?" ask the young vampire.
"I am the meal, the toy and the slave of Lady Syble." intoned the conquered superheroine.
"Now let me feed!" snarled Lilithandra as she attempted to plunge her fangs into the neck of the enslaved superbeauty. "Her skin is unlike any I have experienced in 980 years. It is much much tougher than any creature I have ever fed on."
"Let me try", began Lady Syble.
"You think a child of 143 year can succeed where I cannot!" snarled Lilithandra and attacked the bared throat of the nearly KOed superheroine. She managed to make two small puncture. the superheroine's blood was indeed rich. More rich than any the ancient vampire had ever tasted. After she finished and remarked at the wonderful quality to Lady Syble, who then sucked and licked her share of blood from the mighty superheroine who was having incredibly potent sexual dreams. Lady Syble felt and heard the turned on superheroine building to an heroic orgasm. A caress or two brought the weakened Avenger to an explosive orgasm. She then passed out cold.
Satisfied after the battle, the victory and the feed, the two vampires suddenly began to to feel oddly. It was still night and they both felt an overwhelming desire to sleep. They both felt groggy. Their eyes after feeding, which would normally be blood red were a bright yellow.
"We've been poisoned!" screamed Lilithandra who tried to dematerialize. "Ged bag to yo coffin or th sun'll fry yuuhhhh", slurred the powerful vampire who then collapsed, knocked out .
"I can't.... , said Lady Syble as she stumbled to the fallen, unconscious Lilithandra. "I canna consatrate". She staggered to the still trapped unconscious superbabe. "Yuh bish, ha di ya do this tuh us. Ah feeeel sooooo, uhhhhh!" . With that Lady Syble passed out, falling backwards to lay spread eagle before her busty, conquered victim.
A moment later a Dr Simon Desire, Lisette and Leore, all dressed in jet black battle skins, materialized on the scene. Holding the ends of the car, Desire pushed the mangled vehicle forward from the center, freeing the KOed superheroine who fell flat on the KOed vampire, cheek to cheek, nipple to nipple and mount to mount.
" How sweet," smiled the powerful criminal boss. "Looks like we got a bonus on this venture." Lets get these two back to the security cells."
"What about Helen?" asked Lisette.
"They always need help at the Velvet Clam. Now lets get the information from Lady Syble."
"Damn that Desire!" the young, blond super beauty thought. The Scarlet Avenger had fought Dr. Simon Desire before and he had always managed to either defeat her or escape. Even when she manged to bring him to a super high security prison it turned out he wanted to go there to breakout another criminal scientist. She had fought his first lieutenants/bodyguards, Lisette and Leore. She blushed at the thought, Lisette and Desire had found ways of not only defeating her in battle but getting her so sensually and sexually stimulated that she had multiple orgasms, which weakened her tremendously. Lisette had even manged what could be termed a "sexual knockout", making the puritanical powerhouse orgasm till she passed out cold. Simon Desire had a powerful "Knockout Kiss" which finished her several months ago.
" If only they would fight fair", she thought. Well, at least she did not wake up after a drugged three weeks serving those disgusting people at "The Velvet Clam", a brothel. She still had no idea how she got there. She remembered getting beaten groggy in a fight with Desire at his castle and seeing and his right uppercut come flying at her jaw and then waking up three weeks later with a drunken couple having sex on her, using her body as a mattress.
The superheroine sat up and gently shook her head to clear it. Her long, beautiful, blond head settled over her slender shoulders as her huge, firm boobs wobbled enticingly. A thought creeped into the dazed heroine mind that Dr. Simon Desire and his henchwomen were the only criminals who could defeat the beautiful, buxom superheroine and sexually excite her at the same time. She immediately dismissed the notion as absurd, they were all horrible criminals, the scum of the earth. Yet as Desire wore her out during the fight, she felt some sort of heightened sexual stimulation and as she lay there groggy and he fastened on a super tight and powerful sleeper hold, she thought she had an orgasm before blacking out. Her fingers probed and the velvet, soft folds of her pussy wet wet with her own juices.
"Bastard!" she snapped, more irritated with herself until she reasoned that the stimulation was her super body's way of reacting to being knocked out, rather than anything that had to do with Desire or Lisette. She had only been fighting crime as a superheroine for the past two years, since she was 19. She was successful too, except whenever she ran up against Dr. Simon Desire and his organization.
"What's this?" she looked at the inside of her right elbow and saw a tiny, red mark. The Avenger had gotten her powers through a series of rare gas body treatments done by the recruiting arm of a all female law enforcement of the government called the Clandestine Officer Units Guarding the American Republic or COUGAR. She was the pinnacle of their efforts to create a "super solider". She could fly, lift and carry a ton and a half, her reaction time was three times faster than a human, her skin could withstand most common bullets and knives and her recuperative powers were incredibly fast. With her enhanced battle training she could take and deal out a tremendous amount of damage. She was considered a level 8 superheroine. She cleaned house when fighting most criminals, most. Something had penetrated her skin, a needle perhaps.
"But what needle could penetrate my skin?" she thought. "And where am I?"
Adjusting her skimpy battle skin so that her mighty mams were mostly covered, she slowly got to her feet. She stretched her arms and her long powerful legs. She cracked her aching neck and rubbed where Desire's sleeper had cut off the flow of blood to her brain. She heard a light, high pitched ethereal sigh.
She was surrounded by the remains of debris of a torn down city building, a huge vacant city block. Huge blocks of concrete reinforced with rebar, shattered pane glass, empty cheap whiskey bottles and trash littered the destroyed city block. Abandoned row homes were on the surrounding streets and in the distance, tall and ominous slum tenement buildings made up the skyline.
A cold breeze and a light caress of her neck made the superheroine spin around. Nothing, night air. Standing tall, mighty chest out, long legs spread, the Scarlet Avenger demanded, "Where are you? Desire, is this another of your fiendish tricks?"
A light giggle, as if from a deep well echoed in the heroine's ears. She felt arms surround her and cool hands massage her huge, perfect breasts, pinching her nipples. Spinning around and throwing a roundhouse right resulted in a whoosh of air as the steel hard fist struck - nothing.
Confused, the Scarlet Avenger, gasped out loud, as ice cold fingers stroked the lips of her still moist pussy and clit, through her battle thong, pressing in like an icicle. Throwing a super powered spinning kick which hissed through the empty air infuriated the beautiful superheroine.
"Come out and fight me, whoever you are!!" demanded the blushing super beauty.
"My, such a temper and you are most certainly NOT an average city dweller", purred a very feminine voice with a polished English accent.
Whirling around the blond superheroine saw a beautiful, buxom woman with long brown hair. A ruby red lace bra held her big, round, firm breasts and she wore a long sleeved, Victorian cut, lamb wool jacket which emphasised her spectacular bust and her flat, firm stomach. A light, short fur skirt which had numerous slices, showing of her long, sculpted legs. a grey web thong almost covered her sex. Her skin covering her young and voluptuous shape was very pale and her ruby red lips and coal black eyes made the very atmosphere surrounding the mysterious woman smoldering sensual and highly sexually charged.
"You may call me Lady Syble," the woman whispered. Her eyes got huge as she caught the equally sexy superheroine in a gaze that trapped and stupefied the blonde superbabe. "You are mine now," smirked Lady Syble.
The Scarlet Avenger saw everything in a haze that wrapped all around her numbing her and stripping her of any desire to act. She saw Lady Syble's canine teeth grow long and wickedly sharp.
"I am your mistress and you are my food, my toy and my slave." the sexy superheroine heard the words thunder in her mind. Her blood thirsty opponent stepped forward, wrapped strong arms around her own voluptuous body, their breasts mashed together, nipples dueling and drew her opened mouth to the throat of the entrapped superheroine.
"NO!!" snapped the Scarlet Avenger, somehow summoning the will power to break the spell of the sexy vampire. Pushing her back with her left hand the buxom superbabe threw a roundhouse right cross which exploded on the jaw of the surprised Lady Syble like a freight train, knocking her back thirty feet to slam into the remains of a brick wall, which collapsed with the impact.
"You're a vampire!" gasped the amazed superheroine, "but how can that be? Vampires don't exist!" Lady Syble lay stunned by the sudden and powerful move.
A movement of darkness, almost faster than the human eye could follow rockets towards the Scarlet Avenger and a three hundred pound concrete and rebar slammed into the sexy Avenger's stomach, propelling her the air 50 feet and slamming her into an wrecked Cadillac, which bent like a V, pinning the stunned superheroines arms to her sides.
"You should have softened this one up." a groggy Scarlet Avenger heard throaty, sensual female voice mummered in her mind. "You can smell that her blood is far more enriched than normal mortals." Her bleary, wavering eyesight showed three images, all of them a powerful, auburn haired beauty dressed in a leather battle suit. Appearing slightly older than Lady Syble, this vampire was even more voluptuous, beautiful and sexy. Stepping forward this vampire held onto the huge chunk of concrete by four lengths of rebar in her right hand.
The beautiful and groggy Scarlet Avenger thought, "Maybe I can push the car apart and surprise this bitch with an attack! But a powerful kick between her spread legs, which pushed the car back 12 feet, ended that idea. Swinging the concrete/rebar weapon like an ancient morning star and slamming it on the top of the Scarlet Avenger's head with such power that the chunk exploded into pieces, end all her ideas for the night.
As Lady Syble walk up, rubbing her sore jaw, she saw the still trapped superbabe barely conscious. "NOW you can put her under." the older vampire snarled, " I claim victor's rights for first feeding!"
"Lilthandra, you have no right", snapped Lady Syble, her sharp teeth bared.
"Be grateful I allow you to keep this prize and that I don't drink her dry!" roared Lilithandra, snapping at Lady Syble's throat. She is probably another hunter and she would have killed you had I not intervened. Now put her under!"
Lady Syble now had no trouble mentally dominating the barely conscious superheroine. "What are you?" ask the young vampire.
"I am the meal, the toy and the slave of Lady Syble." intoned the conquered superheroine.
"Now let me feed!" snarled Lilithandra as she attempted to plunge her fangs into the neck of the enslaved superbeauty. "Her skin is unlike any I have experienced in 980 years. It is much much tougher than any creature I have ever fed on."
"Let me try", began Lady Syble.
"You think a child of 143 year can succeed where I cannot!" snarled Lilithandra and attacked the bared throat of the nearly KOed superheroine. She managed to make two small puncture. the superheroine's blood was indeed rich. More rich than any the ancient vampire had ever tasted. After she finished and remarked at the wonderful quality to Lady Syble, who then sucked and licked her share of blood from the mighty superheroine who was having incredibly potent sexual dreams. Lady Syble felt and heard the turned on superheroine building to an heroic orgasm. A caress or two brought the weakened Avenger to an explosive orgasm. She then passed out cold.
Satisfied after the battle, the victory and the feed, the two vampires suddenly began to to feel oddly. It was still night and they both felt an overwhelming desire to sleep. They both felt groggy. Their eyes after feeding, which would normally be blood red were a bright yellow.
"We've been poisoned!" screamed Lilithandra who tried to dematerialize. "Ged bag to yo coffin or th sun'll fry yuuhhhh", slurred the powerful vampire who then collapsed, knocked out .
"I can't.... , said Lady Syble as she stumbled to the fallen, unconscious Lilithandra. "I canna consatrate". She staggered to the still trapped unconscious superbabe. "Yuh bish, ha di ya do this tuh us. Ah feeeel sooooo, uhhhhh!" . With that Lady Syble passed out, falling backwards to lay spread eagle before her busty, conquered victim.
A moment later a Dr Simon Desire, Lisette and Leore, all dressed in jet black battle skins, materialized on the scene. Holding the ends of the car, Desire pushed the mangled vehicle forward from the center, freeing the KOed superheroine who fell flat on the KOed vampire, cheek to cheek, nipple to nipple and mount to mount.
" How sweet," smiled the powerful criminal boss. "Looks like we got a bonus on this venture." Lets get these two back to the security cells."
"What about Helen?" asked Lisette.
"They always need help at the Velvet Clam. Now lets get the information from Lady Syble."