The lovely creature you see in the image above is Lady Syble Ann MacDermet. I use the word "creature" because at age 19 on 1886 she ceased being a "real" lady.
Lady Syble was the only child of a Scottish Laird. Her incredible beauty and amazing sensual talents caused most men to fall under her spell. That included a dashing, handsome and mysterious young baron from Eastern Europe, or so Lady Syble thought. The Baron Vladimir Bogdan Tzepish had a little secret.
In truth it was she who was swept off her feet and dazed by the charisma of the young man who would only meet her at night. The "gentleman" was easily a match for her sensual and sexual prowess. His deep dark eyes both thrilled and excited her and seemed to draw all her energy, leaving her weak and helpless. During their passionate meetings Lady Syble would get lost in ecstatic throes and evidently pass out. She would wake up weak and exhausted but aching for something more. She barely noticed two tiny pin pricks along the side of her neck, they were numb and caused her no discomfort. Lady Syble's "hunger" drove the young woman to the beds of dozens of men; high born and low. Lady Syble stopped eating altogether. She began to avoid sunlight and had all the mirrors in the castle smashed. She grew pale and beside her ravanous sexual appetite, lady Syble's grip on life began to slip. Her father feared that some malady was driving his daughter mad. He warned her that her "indiscreet" behavior could not be tolerated and she would pay the ultimate penalty if she was caught. During a royal visit the King of Scotland, discoved Lady Syble sexually ravaging his footman and the coachmen, in the royal coach. Lady Syble's father had the two men hanged and then walled up his daughter in her room, to die of hunger and thirst. He left a narrow crack in the brick work so his punshment would be to hear her screams and pleas and moans for mercy. Oddly there were no screams, pleas or moans. No sound was ever heard. In a day or two, Lady Syble Ann Mac Dermet was dead but as you probably have guessed she didn't stay dead. The metamorphosis was complete the moment her natural life ended. The year was 1886 and lady Syble Ann MacDermet was a vampire.
It took a year but Lady Syble arranged the deaths of all the inhabitants of the castle, including her father. The castle became a place of ill omen, haunted some said, inhabitated by Satan Himself, said others. The three villages adjacent to the the castle were abandoned after a time. Nobody ventured within two miles of the huge stone habitation.
Lady Syble had relocated after that to a poor section of London called White Chapel. The year was 1888 and London was turned on it's ear by a series of brutal murders of some poor prostitutes by a man who the press call (and who called himself) Jack the Ripper. The sexy vampire had nothing to do with the murders but the Ripper murders were wonderful cover as she tapped the denizens of White Chapel and other areas of southern England of their life's blood.
What does this have to do with me, Dr. Simone Desire, criminal genius and supervillain extrodinaire? Syble has been more discreet but just as sexually active ever and had been keeping company with a brilliant heavy weapons scientist named Dr. Jacque DeSanguine who has been secretly working for three of the major military powers in the world, and is the formost authority on military nano-technology. Dr. DeSanguine has vanished but he kept scrupulous notes on all his research. These tens of thousands of pages have been inscribed on three micro-dots and sealed in a small cylinder of amber.
Lady Syble knows where either Dr. DeSanguine or where the amber cylinder is. I have to catch, hold and get information out of a very sexy 143 year old vampire. The picture of Lady Syble was taken a month ago. How do you take a picture of a creature who has no reflection? It can be done!